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Bug/Issue The Beloved Farmer

Discussion in 'Support' started by FoolishPrincess, Oct 19, 2016.

  1. FoolishPrincess

    FoolishPrincess Void-Bound Voyager

    Is not working I can get pictures if you want but basically I got ten hearts on eight people, and figured it must be because my husband didn't count for whatever reason.... So I befriended Willy and now I have for sure 8 friends at 10 hearts.
    • Highwind

      Highwind Void-Bound Voyager

      Are you having this problem with the in-game achievement or the Steam achievement?
      • FoolishPrincess

        FoolishPrincess Void-Bound Voyager

        I completely forgot to check this thread again, my apologies!

        In game I have it, it just isn't showing up on steam. :( Also I started a new game, and completed the Jojo's cola company one as well, and never got a steam achievement... I haven't used any mods, and I have tried re installing because that has helped with other games I played. But still nothing.

        Any thoughts?

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