The Ant Head

Discussion in 'Create-A-Hat' started by Mystic_Wulf, Nov 21, 2012.


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  1. Mystic_Wulf

    Mystic_Wulf Existential Complex

    This is an Ant head thing I've been working all of yesterday hope you like

    Special Features- 2 Armour
    -Climb up to 20 blocks on a flat surface
    - Bug-like creatures are neutral

    Attached Files:

    pigrocket likes this.
  2. tedlil

    tedlil Pangalactic Porcupine

    hmmm IMO it shouldn't give you ability to climb on a flat surface. Better option would be possibility to take controll or easly tame bug-like creatures. Just my idea to your headgear.
  3. Mystic_Wulf

    Mystic_Wulf Existential Complex

    hmmm that is good but I'm sticking with my idea
  4. Pandora

    Pandora Existential Complex

    Every hat has to purely be cosmetic. So, sorry, there can't be any extra effects.
  5. Mystic_Wulf

    Mystic_Wulf Existential Complex

    Wow no one ever likes my ideas this makes me so sad :(
  6. tedlil

    tedlil Pangalactic Porcupine

    don't worry i didn't know about that there can't be any extra effects too...
    and also i like your idea ;)
  7. Mystic_Wulf

    Mystic_Wulf Existential Complex

    well thats not the other 5 people's opinion :wut:
    p.s Happy Thanksgiving :lolwut:
  8. Mystic_Wulf

    Mystic_Wulf Existential Complex

    I wonder if the votes are serious or just trolling :confused:
  9. Gravik

    Gravik Existential Complex

    one big trollercoaster.
  10. Anonymous

    Anonymous Forum Bot

    None of those votes in your poll matter. In the end, the judges decide who will win.
  11. Mystic_Wulf

    Mystic_Wulf Existential Complex

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