???: "Don't even TRY. I can easily kill you right now. You don't even know WHO I AM, OR WHERE I AM! Heheheheh!" "Stop fucking eavesdropping on us, you demented fuck!" Neptune shouted. The speaker let off a loud, shrill feedback.
Henry also hears the voice. "I'm guessing your the person who put me and whoever else you where talking too here?" He says loudly. "Care to tell me why?" He runs down the hallway to the right.
???: "Because I want to see your worth." The voice seemed to be female. She giggled, and silence filled the building.
Henry doesn't reply and continues down the hallway, looking for anything that could lead him to the center.
"NO CHEATING!!" The woman on the speaker said, locking all doors around Henry, except the ones containing Neptune, and Stableaf.
"What?" Henry tries opening the nearest door. When it doesn't open, he tries another, which happens to be the door to the room Neptune and Stableaf are in. "Oh, hello, I'm going to assume you're also trapped here?"
"Alright, how about we introduce ourselves. I'm Henry, who might you be?" "I want to find it too, but every door in that hallway is locked."
After several minutes of attempting to dismantle the gurney for parts to open the door, Tunich hears a voice speaking in a synthetic manner, most likely from PA system. Despite not seeing a speaker inside the room, Tunich can hear her perfectly, and becomes increasingly distressed as he listens to one side of an erratic conversation. Preparing to defend himself with a leg from the bed, Tunich scans the room. He is startled by the only door in his room sliding into the wall without any indication of why. Slowly, the scientist makes his way towards it, and soon finds himself in a hallway filled with people. Pointing the metal leg in their direction, Tunich addresses the group. "Who are all of you? What is going on here? I demand to have contact with the managerial department of this ward immediately."
"I'm Henry, as I stated before, and I really don't know what is going on right now. Maybe you should ask that voice."
"Well I don't think we have much of a choice but to listen to it. Speaking of which, when are we going to be able to go and find the center?" Henry asks the voice.