((TO JOIN, PLEASE ACCEPT THE CERTIFICATE HERE: http://community.playstarbound.com/threads/the-amnesia-case-character-submissions.102653/)) "Where am I..?" a raspy voice asked. He got up from a thin sheet of cloth and fabric mixed together, stretched on thick steel bars. A piece of torn paper caught his attention. On the sheet it said: "PATIENT NAME: NEPTUNE" He began to read the parts that were not torn off. He knew they were ripped off, because of the messy parts as remains from the torn parts. "This gassy patient (not by farting means..." "Why the hell did the writer put that there!?" He shouted. "Anyways, I better get back to reading this..." "He has amne-" He couldn't read more, due to the part being torn.
"Where issss Floran?" A Floran wearing the remnants of something that was supposed to restrain him asks, altough noone answers. "Floran better try to find information!" He says before noticing a note, altough it is hard to read it as there are some blood stains on it. "Floran never really good at reading, but floran doesss know what amnesssssia meanss, also sssayss sssomehting about centre and death, too much blood on it to really ssssee."
Neptune was in a different room, though he did hear the hissing of... something. "Oh crap..." he whispered. "Why am I gonna do this..?" he said, walking to the door of the room...[DOUBLEPOST=1446742251][/DOUBLEPOST]Neptune pulled the door handle down.. and attempted to push it forward. "Oh thank god... it's locked." he said. "I guess all the doors except mine are locked.." He listened to the hissing. "IN SOME RANDOM FUCKING HOSPITAL PLACE!" he shouted.
The great geneticist Ivar Tunich wakes in a small square room, lying upon a typical hospital gurney. Slightly dazzed, the Apex gets up and checks the diagnostics of his suit. The head up display shows external damage to parts near his helmet and midrift, but nothing so damaging as to compromise the internal environment. With that aside, Tunich worries about how he ended up in this place. "This is not the bar back on Kashnar V. Perhaps I was taken here after passing out? I did not think that inebriation required such drastic action by the proprietors." Finding no call button at the bedside, Tunich turns to open the door, only to find it locked. "Stranger still," he mutters.
Neptune ran to the opposite door, and tried to open the door. Once again, it was locked. "What the hell is going on?" he shouted.
The Floran tries to open one of the doors in his room, to his surprise it opens "WHOA, Floran really not expect door to open!" He decides to enter the door, but as he looks through he sees some weird monster eating a corpse. "NOPENOPENOPENOPENOPE FLORAN ISSS CLOSING DOOR NOW" He closes and locks the door, against all logic he tries the other door, which ofcourse refuses to open.
Hearing the yells from the adjacent rooms, Tunich tries to shout through the door. "Hello? Is anyone out there? This door seems to be locked from the outside and I require it to be opened. Come! Follow the sound of my voice!" As he is shouting, Tunich looks around the mundane room for anything that could be used to pry the door open.
???: "Heheh! Hello, contestants... the room 3 doors are opening!" Strangely, the doors opened, sliding into the wall. "What the hell?" Neptune mumbled.
"I thought the doors were standard doors, with door handles![DOUBLEPOST=1446751225][/DOUBLEPOST]"AGH!" Neptune shouted. He didn't like how she ran up to him, almost to the point where he thought that the Floran was going to kill him. "Who the hell are you?" [DOUBLEPOST=1446751693][/DOUBLEPOST]"...Who am I..?" He faintly asked randomly.
In silence, Neptune rushed into the Floran's room. I grabbed the note, and inspected it. "B-blood..?" he said nervously. "What the hell happened to you?"
Henry groans and sits up, his mechanical eye stirring to life. "Where am I? This is definitely not my ship." He stands and notices the note on his bed. He picks it up and reads it. "Patient Name: Henry Kenloft... blah blah blah amnesia... blah blah blah center, blah blah blah death, bla- wait, death?" Henry is now quite concerned for his well-being. He walks over to the door and is about to open it when it suddenly slides into the wall. "What the- eh, doesn't matter, right now I need to find this center." He walks out and looks down the hallway.
Listening closely, he heard the sound of gears and pistons working. He attempted to open the door next to the Floran's room. It was locked.