Gale looks pale as paper... "you dont happen to mean... The queen... the big scary bee army hive mind controlling queen... do you?"
Luie swears, muttering, "What is she thinking? This is very... she can't just leave us here, though..." She steps forward and, for once, raises her voice. "MELISSA! Come back here! What are you doing?!"
"If this isn't a deadly trap then I don't know what is. Let's go!" Monte practically drags Luie behind him as he follows after Melissa. As they walk, he examines the fashionable new gloves that seem to have materialized on his hands. Svelte and black, they fit, excuse the pun, like a glove. Considering Monte's spidery fingers, they must have been specially chosen or made for him. As he inspected them further, a flick of his fingers sent a holographic projection spinning from the tips of the glove. Oh? What's this then? With an intrigued grin, Monte began to manipulate the holographic display, prying for any information or purpose it may have...
Gale shakes herself up and picks up her bag... 'come on Gale... You can handle a couple of bees... really large, super-inellegent, queen-controlled, bees that probably would eat you first chance they get... being led by one of said bees... you can do this... you've been through worse...' She breaks into a jog after them... "Wait up guys! I'm coming!"
Melissa proceeds walking, only muttering to herself in a different language when spoken to. Every now and then she'll pause, shake a bit as if reconsidering, then continue walking. Monte, investigating his new gloves, can find that they produce a screen saying simply: "PATIENCE." There seem to be several clickable buttons on the new holographic interface, but they aren't usable at this time. How vexing. ((Assuming at this point that you're all going with Melissa now...)) After a pleasant, hour-long walk through the beautiful forest, our intrepid crew arrives at its destination; before them stands a grandiose construction comprised of countless interlocking hexagons. Filing in and out of the giant gates to the structure are hordes of more bee-people, all wearing uniforms of one shot color. Flying above and around the construction are strange creatures of pure black color and considerable insect-wingspans, all wearing yellow clothing. Pumping out of the top of the edifice is a steady stream of smoke and smog, apparently caused by whatever's going on in there. Suddenly, Melissa flinches, then looks around in frantic panic. "W-What? How?! We need to get out of here before--before--" Three of the menacing yellow-jacketed bees seem to take notice of our pack of misfits, and starts heading toward the group. Menacingly. In a menacing fashion. With big, scary sticks.
Gina Immediately pulls out her bolt rifle and points it at the middle one... "S- Stay... STAY BACK YOU YELLOW JACKETED THUGS!"
"UM... UM... We uh... Danger! Threat! Hostile! Pomegranate! Run!" Da- anger! Unsafe! Panic! No purple in a rainbow! Escape'! Danger! Error! Da-" *Falls over* "-ger! Error! Error! Help! Error!"
"Monte," hisses Luie, grabbing the tall Phobe's arm, "unless you have a very good plan I suggest we run." She's already backing away from the approaching insects, wanting to run away but reluctant to abandon her... companion.
She fires at the ground in front of the one in the middle... Praying to god that it stops coming closer...
The three hornet-like beasts land down, hissing in a very off-putting manor. They flinch as the gun is shot, but one of them bristles in an even more off-putting manner than the hissing. "YOU!! You will come with us! The queen will see you, and she will use your technology, and we shall put the flowered-one in the harvesting camps, and and the machine one will be made into parts, and the ape one will create the new technologies, and the mask one will... Will... Will be used for entertainment purposes!" The Yellow Jacket then looks at Melissa. "And you... The Queen will be seeing you separately." Melissa doesn't seem to like this idea; she seems to cringe away from the Yellow Jackets while standing in place. Of course, our intrepid adventurers shouldn't like this idea, either. They should be very upset over this to say the least.
She seems very off put... She realizes that she can't kill off all of them... Unless... ∑(゚Д゚) *Idea*She drops her gun and hurriedly looks for her sonotheraputic device. Pulling it out, she slings it around herself and turns some dials, setting the frequency and volume the loudest...Melissa! Cover you antenna! Everyone else cover your ears!" she turns it on...
((Where the heck is @Tatterdemalion ? Okay, well, that's not happening. "Floran! Robot! Run!" Luie shouts, taking her own advice and heading for the forest. She would pull Monte along with her. But he seems to be rather quiet, so I don't know. She's already running away from whatever's going on, why stop?
His leg buzzes loudly for half a second then his body goes limp "System error corrected-" He immediately rolls backward onto his feet then throws a fist sized rock directly at the nearest hornet-like beast with immense power. The rock makes a loud noise as it splits into two pieces upon impacting the bee-like beeing in the head. He grabs Melissa & sprints in the direction the others are going with great speed.
"Gah!" Monte snapped out of his brief moment of silent existential terror and resumed his serendipitous demeanor. He easily keeps pace with Luie and the others with his stilt-like legs. "'Entertainment purposes!' Pah! As if these insetti could possibly appreciate fine art! Ahem, no offense, Melissa." As the group ran, Monte rummaged through his hat for anything helpful. Let's see... No, no, not that- Ah! Perfect! Monte withdraws a marble-sized pellet and holds it triumphantly in the air. "You might not want to breathe for a second, friends!" he warns. Monte hurls it towards the ground and it bursts, expelling a dramatic cloud of pinkish smoke that smells vaguely of oculemon.
The Yellow Jackets seem worried of Gale's device as she sets it up, and decide to approach her maliciously. The device blares at them moments later, causing them to screech in horrific unison, so intense that the two don't notice their companion's head crack under the force of the rock. The smoke begins to spread, the edges licking at Gale's heels. It might be a good idea to jump into it and run, as many more Yellow Jackets seem to have taken notice.
Gales does a grin as she turns off the device. "Yeah! Eat that you yellow bellied cowards!" she coughs a bit before looking down, panicking, picking up her gun, and then taking our her respiration mask and placing it on her face... Coughing quite a bit as she does so...