"We were abducted by a mad man who left us in a room with nothing but a teleporter that took us here." Looks down "I had a cloak earlier... huh?" Left Eye sparks then lights up "aha! Finally!... depth perception."
Melissa stares blankly at the group, her antennae drooping low. "Oh boy. You people are crazy, aren't you? I should have known, what with how you're all dressed in startlingly-realistic costumes; now you're talking bout fairytales!" She pauses. "You.. Are just crazy, right? N-none of that stuff is real... Is it?" "Wait. Why am I asking you people?!"
"I really think we're at least slightly less crazy than you appear to be." Luie mutters, still using the Phobe as a barrier between her and Melissa.
(Sorry for the lack of colour. I'm in the U.S. for the weekend and have to use my phone.) Pushed directly in front of "Melissa" by Luie to act as a shield and still shaking off the post-teleportation daze, Monte stared at the bizarre wasp-alien for a silent moment. He blinked. "Why of course we're completely sane, my arthropodal friend!" He immediately broke into a false jovial tone. He turned his head back to Luie and loudly whispered, "Don't worry! I read somewhere that bees can be controlled by certain pitch progressions!" Reaching deep into his space-defying hat, Monte rapidly removed his viola and broke into a lively jig, expecting the insectoid alien to soon be falling under his spell.
With more blank stares and a pair of now dancing antennae, Melissa sounds rather indignant: "Hey, I don't think some peach-pruh-greh-shins can make mme like a Queen! And don't you call me arhtropod--unless that's a compliment. But that's unlikely with all your fairytale talk! Pssh. Peach-pruh-greh-shins..." "... Wait, what are you doing with that wooden ooh... That's a pretty nooooiise..." Melissa's antennae begin to go lax, and her eyes--finally showing some emotion--begin to almost gloss over. Melissa, girrrrrl... You needa listen to this crazy duuuuddee... hehehe... He got some good... noises...... " *Giggle* Do ya need me to help ya with that there... whatchamacallit?"
He contemplates for a bit then quietly says to himself: "Am I crazy?" "No, I don't think so." "But what if I am?" "You're not, trust me. You talk to yourself but you're not crazy." "You two, stop talking out loud!" His voice becomes slow & glitchy. "Woah, that nois-s-s-se is... I can't fee-e-e-el my-y... ERROR, E-E-ERROR, ER-" He twitches once then stops moving entirely. The conversation continues within his head: That was your fault! - how could it be my fault? - Wait... you're right, how could it be my fault? - Exactly! - Maybe it was the noise, I can't tell. - Wait did you here that giggle? - Yeah, I did. Wait, I can still see! Brilliant! - Why did we only here the giggle? She appears to be speaking but I can't hear anything. - Well that's odd.
Gina looks at the phobe with pleasant shock... "Wow... That is incredibly impressive! How have I not heard your music before? It's beautiful..." Gina gives him a solid whack with her wrench...
I heard a sound again. - So do we just hear stuff occasionally? - I think s- *Clang* His body goes limp & falls Ow! that hurt. - Did someone hit us? - Probably. If so, they were not in our field of view when it happened. - Well now I can't see. I'm looking directly at the sun! - I think I can move. - Great, do it! His motions are very choppy & robotic, but he does slowly rise to his feet. Great, now try to speak - I did! - Nuts...
She helps him up... "Get a grip on yourself man! I don't know what you are or what your problem is, but we have to focus on getting this ship repaired." she turns to Monte. "you've got her under your spell, can you ask her where we may be able to find some parts to a teleporter and a ship? A robot mechanic may also be of use to is as well..."
Monte nearly misses a beat when Melissa begins pledging her service. (He doesn't, of course. He's a professional, after all.) "I'm going to be honest. I truly did not expect that to work." Continuing to play, he adopts a commanding tone. "Er. Melissa! You are now under our control. That means me, this Apex, the Floran, and- Well, maybe not the robot. Now, have you, perchance, heard the name 'Ander Romanoff' as of late? Or perhaps a 'Mister E?'" Hm, how strange. As Monte continued playing he noticed that his hands were now clad in long, ruffed black gloves. They fit snugly and comfortably, like a second skin. I don't recall owning these. How strange indeed...
"Whaaaaaat? Psshhhhh... Naw, I ain't under nobees's controliolies... And I ain't know no Amber Roma nophs... But I do know about that Ander Romanoff guy! *Giggle* I guess you coul' say he's a 'Mystery!' *Giggle* Oh, you're reeeeeally funny..." It's hard to believe that anyone could be so intoxicated from music, but Melissa is most definitely under the influence. Of a viola. <<Having looked up viola music, I found out that they don't play quite as quickly and lively-ly as I'd expected from Monte. I'd kinda imagined him with a fiddle, since he seems a bit more upbeat.>>
Gina gives him a look like he's just a bit crazy... "No, but you've still got some problems... I think it would be in your best interests to get to a robot mechanic or something... i'm used to fixing ships, robots are a whole other story... if my sister, Gina, was here, she'd probably totally fix you up and give you an upgrade just because she can... She replaced her entire left arm and right eye with robot ones for Pete's sake! she is really really nuts..."
"Aw..." "I'm not even technically a robot. What happens to this body doesn't affect me." "False! False I say!" "Shut up you! What did I say about talking out loud!"
"You do? Er, yes. Of course you do. Tell me everything you know of this 'Ander Romanoff.'" Monte's playing becomes briefly slows before transitioning into an improvised pizzicato melody, the tempo still upbeat as he eagerly pries for more information from the wasp-like alien.
"Why have you never found it strange that I can feel pain? Technically I am software, therefore I should not feel anything." "Well I'm not an AI so-" "I know that already! You-" "Wait! I could not have glitched out because of the musicness because it is still playing & I'm not glitching out! It must have been a coincidence!" "Not necessarily." "Well what did happen then?" "I don't know... Hm?" "Why didn't I notice when I stopped glitching out?" "Why would I even care" "Good point".......... "Why are you still talking out loud?" "Because it works better!" "Yeah, what he said.".......... "Why does no one trust me?" "Because you talk to yourself out loud you fool! Why else would I keep telling you to be quiet." "Oh... You know, you didn't use to talk to yourself this often. I think something went wrong when the thing happened.