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Feedback The 1.4 update should....

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by M_Sipher, Jun 19, 2017.

  1. Tlactl

    Tlactl Cosmic Narwhal

    If we are going into the realm of making the game more immersive by being able to choose your own path and adding variety to each species then...

    I want my racial weapons back
    Kirbecio and LtBlujay like this.
  2. LtBlujay

    LtBlujay Void-Bound Voyager

    I think we all do.
    Tlactl likes this.
  3. FoxDE2

    FoxDE2 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I think there should be a greater amount of various weapons to drop as well as craft or get from vendors. Legendary ones, which have an upgradeable look as well. If they're focusing on adding new content, they should add new building objects like furniture and decorative, as well as more weapons. I suggested a bunch of ideas to Terraria which they never used, so maybe I'll upload some of the sprites I made and suggest it here? They'll have Terraria sprites, but the idea is still the same and maybe they could learn from it. I do feel that there should be vendors who trades your collectable items (fish, bugs, fossils, pets in capture pods as well as cosmetic armors and figurines which you'd get rare, unique legendary weapons and armor back from them.)

    I don't think Terraria ever used any of the things I suggested, so...hopefully Chucklefish can find something to do with 'em? Obviously their art style is much better than my own, but this is just to give an idea of various weapons and armors they could add to the game.

    Bokken, a type of wooden japanese sword


    frozen chest.png
    This would be a type of frozen chest you could find, which may add variety to ice chests.

    gilded cutlass.png
    This would be a type of Gilded Cutlass, I made it bend a little too much in this image but I think the point still gets across. A cutlass with lots of little grooves on the back to deal extra damage. Maybe you could get these from a special biome they could add to underwater biomes which would be sunken pirate ships? It'd also be cool if they added a sunken space ship biome, which was basically a fully functioning ship sticking halfway out of the ground which allowed you to go deeper inside of it.

    I have various different katana weapons as well, even though they have a Terraria character sprite to go with them, I think the idea can still translate for Starbound:


    I envisioned these katanas having various different slash animations, not just the swords themselves, but having an extension of the blade slash in front of them (like castlevania symphony of the night's katanas)




    What's happening here is the sword is making a quick slice in front of it with a kind of extension of the blade with a pink-ish energy, and then it's quickly slashing from side to side.









    I was thinking of some other types of weapons as well, such as the Smart Gun from the movie Aliens


    A laser gun which shoots a prismatic laser in a kind of burst, various colors each shot (or one shot just quickly goes through the various different colors as it fires)


    They look kind of like jolly ranchers don't they?


    For this above idea, I was thinking of a gun which fired various different types of shots based on the ammunition you fed it. For Starbound, it could feed on the different liquids (as you can see the various liquids stored in its main glass container at the top.) Lava shoots fire blasts, Water shoots a kind of jet of spinning blasts, Poison shoots discs of poison liquid, and lastly there should be a type of 'ice water' included to Starbound so it can fire ice shots as well.


    For this idea, I was thinking that there could be a gun that fires multiple missiles in a barrage. Sort of like Cave Story. The missiles would only allow for you to fire them once and then your energy would be all used up, and to reduce damage would only be able to be fired when you're equipped with the full accelerator or manipulator armor set as opposed to separator which buffs damage a lot more. It'd fire 4 very quick missiles which exploded to deal a lot of extra damage (and the explosions themselves should have multiple explosions behind them, maybe 4 quick explosions per one missile as opposed to just your average explosion. A new explosion animation would work great.)


    A head slot item, Night Vision Goggles, would let you see everything in a pale green light as though it were normal as long as you're in perfect darkness. Any brightness would cause a blinding green light in that spot.


    Toothed Sword. Would deal a tremendous amount of damage, but all it could do is swing (and very slowly,)

    Its animation of swing would look like this:

    toothed sword swing.png


    Great Sword, same as Toothed Sword but is a little faster and deals less damage.


    A rail gun. See how when it fires, it looks like a straight line for a little ways with a spiral of energy circulating around it and moving behind it? The 4 different bullets are there to show how it'd gradually look as it's moving along.


    A reinforced suit. This would be the body and leg portion of the armor. Equipping this (as well as a helmet) would give you invincibility to lava.


    Boss chests! I think that there should be unique boss chests that you see when you've defeated one of the bosses, as opposed to your average run of the mill chest. They'd be the size of two wide chests (or 4 normal chests), two chests high and one wide chest (or two regular chests) wide. They should be lootable, too, or at least scannable with your Matter Manipulator. This is just an example, but I think something like this would look cool for the Hunting Grounds mission's Ixodoom Boss Chest.


    This above idea is what I'd suggest for an underwater boss (or at least a legendary fish on a prehistoric planet.) An Ichthyosaur.

    It'd have the ability to swim off the screen and swim straight upwards like this as well:

    ichthyosaur water jump.png


    This would be a crafting suggestion. Obsidian Glass, crafted from Obsidian Blocks. This would be different than your average glass in the way that it'd be gray and smoky and would be translucent as opposed to transparent.

    Finally, a new type of tech card. You'd get these from certain scientist merchants (possibly friendly ones you get as tenants,) who give you various colored tech cards which would allow you to 'record' certain statistics. How many enemies you've fought, how many times you've jumped, how many times you've looted chests, how much you've walked etc. You'd have to add these to a special device given to you by the same scientist which would record data of each type of chip. When you've received enough statistical information, he'll be pleased with you and give you a golden floppy disc to go inside of the device you were given (but you get to keep the chips which read your statistical information.) The floppy disc would add a brand new tech which is only usable as long as you have the device in your inventory, possibly bringing back boosts?






    This last chip is a joke idea, the various cards you'd receive would be called 'chips' so you'd have blue chip, red chip, green chip, and gold chip. You'd receive quests to receive a certain amount of statistical information to unlock the next chip from being purchased from him, but the last one would be 'nacho chip' which is edible. Finally, upon completing the gold chip quest, you'd receive the gold floppy which unlocks a new tech.


    Gold Floppy Disc.

    I did have one alternative idea to what the Gold Floppy Disc could do, it could let you learn the various enemy's attacks as enemy skills and let you fire them back at them as they fire at you. It'd also allow for you to learn different techniques for a gun I thought of called the 'skill launcher'

    skill launcher use.png
    The last suggestion I'd have is for yet another underwater boss, an optional one, which is covered in seaweed. The seaweed would count as a separate object than the boss and have its own health pool. It'd be covered in this:


    and the boss underneath would look like this:

    seaweed monster reprise.png

    I actually do have one last idea:

    A spitfire gun, which shoots several different fireballs in random positions similar to the game Contra's S Gun:


    spitfire fire.png

    Hope you enjoyed my suggestions, even though they were originally for Terraria ^^; I may have to go through and reupload the files, as the page got moved off of and it saved my info, but not the uploaded files.

    If I have to edit all the pictures again, give me a moment and I'll add the appropriate images to the appropriate section.

    I apparently don't have the image for it anymore, but I was thinking: Wolfenstein for the Playstation 3 has a gun called the Leichenfaust. This is a gun which shoots an enormous blue blast of energy in the game and causes a huge explosion which creates gravity effects.

    Why not release such a weapon for Starbound, but instead of Leichen, name it Lichen. Have a collectable Lichen you can get from tree bark and when you collect it, it fuels the Lichenfaust. It'd do the same thing in game, create a giant blue blast of energy which temporarily creates a gravity rift after fired which effects everything around it (sort of like you were temporarily in space in a space mission.)

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Sep 25, 2017
    Ickura likes this.
  4. Only thing I want is server side characters, anti cheat, and a way to stop people from playing casual characters, and cheating on a hardcore server. Aren't there mods for most of that stuff you are asking for?
  5. LtBlujay

    LtBlujay Void-Bound Voyager

    Yes, one could mod most of this stuff in, but that can be a hassle for a lot of people and we want to see these things added to the game officially. Making little all sorts of cool and useful things vanilla would be wonderful, and there's no reason not to add them.
  6. True, I am good now anyways, you inspired me to make my own mods :) I figured out a way to force any one joining my server to play a hard core character, so i didnt need to wait for server side characters or anti cheats:)
    LtBlujay likes this.
  7. Tlactl

    Tlactl Cosmic Narwhal

    I want a gamemode where hunger exists but you don't drop items. That doesn't seem like too much to ask for
    LtBlujay likes this.
  8. AngleWyrm

    AngleWyrm Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I almost started my latest character (Fiona the Floran) on 'normal' difficulty, and then I remembered the teleporter is disabled underground.
  9. Nope its not, ill make it for you now :)

    Here you go, now when you play casual there will be hunger.


    Just tested for ya, works fine :) I can also change the text so it tells you that when you create your character. if you want me to let know.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 3, 2017
  10. Tlactl

    Tlactl Cosmic Narwhal

    Thanks, but will it work with my friends who don't bother downloading any mods?
  11. It wont work for them, but it will work for you. So, nope you have to put that file in your mod folder. Unless someone made a program that automatically downloads the mod folder of the server, i dont think any one did that though.
  12. chadmoriarty

    chadmoriarty Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    a very good idea, sometimes updating the existing content can be better than adding new stuff, i should add that rising the % of monsters figurines will be a good idea as well. by the way, i´m not quite sure if can get the new stuff if i play a new update with an older save game, can someone help me please?
  13. MrStrangerPL

    MrStrangerPL Pangalactic Porcupine

    Well, shit. I'm kinda with you on this one. Base game really could use more polishing. I get, that some of your ideas, will never happen, like new races for example. That's when mods can shine, and that's fine. But when mods improve BASIC functionality of vanilla stuff, then we have a problem. Like, Buldozers, cars, submarines, planes. You know. Stuff like that. When are they going to introduce new vehicles? Traveling is just painful. Especially on ocean and ,,mountainy'' planets.

    Oh, and weapon racks. There's (of corse) a mod for that, and it does a wonderful job.

    MaxVildos and STCW262 like this.
  14. STCW262

    STCW262 Heliosphere

    Planes in particular would allow for visitable Gas Giants (After all, they're gas, so some sort of aircraft would be needed anyways, so why not? At least some of the Mech mechanics would be for something else as well).
  15. FoxDE2

    FoxDE2 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'm in support of using Mechs to fly around on Gas giants. Maybe it could be like the Cloud City of Bespin in Star Wars.
  16. ratkintheoverestimated

    ratkintheoverestimated Phantasmal Quasar

    I'd like some mech vs mech battles. If enemy npcs use mechs planet side then there would be a reason to use them there as well.
  17. Quillon

    Quillon Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Can I plug my own posts or nah
  18. MaxVildos

    MaxVildos Space Hobo

    I am really enjoying the game right now, but villages are so boring. Now you can fly from planet to planet going to each village uncontested. Its not fun how you just steal stuff. Id like a mechanic were you have to sneak or go behind their back instead of just taking it with no punishment. Also please ad hijaking ships or having space battles, please... Also can we declare war on villages we come across or can villages declare warren each other? Could you add city planets, or a planet that is one of a kind, thats engaged in war maybe?
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2018
  19. Ickura

    Ickura Pangalactic Porcupine

    I just want the option to release my captured pets from their small circular prison, and let them roam freely out across the distant lands :cry:
  20. AngleWyrm

    AngleWyrm Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Work on eliminating the unlock mechanic from content creation.

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