I cannot find out in all of my mind why and how it is making me a craft a "Perfectly Generic Item" instead of the "Wooden Gun" I want. .gun file : { "itemName" : "woodgun", "inventoryIcon" : "woodgunicon.png", "description" : "A gun made of wood, reinforced so the gun doesn't break." "shortdescription" : "Wooden Gun" "dropCollision" : [-8.0, -3.0, 8.0, 3.0], "maxStack" : 1, "level" : 5, "rarity" : "Common", "inspectionKind" : "gun", "image" : "woodgun.png", "recoilTime" : 0.1, "handPosition" : [-5.5, -3], "firePosition" : [12, 3], "fireTime" : 2.5, "twoHanded" : false, "projectileType" : "wood", "projectile" : { "speed" : 35 "power" : 12 "color" : [10, 255, 10] }, "muzzleEffect" : { "animation" : "/craftgun/woodgun/woodgunmf.animation", "fireSound" : [ { "file" : "/craftgun/woodgun/woodgunsound.wav" } ] } } Recipe : { "input" : [ { "item" : "darkwoodmaterial", "count" : 25 }, { "item" : "money", "count" : 150 } ], "output" : { "item" : "woodgun", "count" : 1 }, "groups" : [ "gunstation", "weapons", "all" ] }
You're missing some commas. description and shortdescription both need one at the end of their line. You also need one at the end of your projectile speed and power lines. Code: "description" : "A gun made of wood, reinforced so the gun doesn't break.", "shortdescription" : "Wooden Gun", Code: "projectileType" : "wood", "projectile" : { "speed" : 35, "power" : 12, "color" : [10, 255, 10] },