Modding Help That danged "Perfectly Generic Item"

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by Bestpick, Dec 10, 2013.

  1. Bestpick

    Bestpick Big Damn Hero

    I cannot find out in all of my mind why and how it is making me a craft a "Perfectly Generic Item" instead of the "Wooden Gun" I want.
    .gun file :

    "itemName" : "woodgun",
    "inventoryIcon" : "woodgunicon.png",
    "description" : "A gun made of wood, reinforced so the gun doesn't break."
    "shortdescription" : "Wooden Gun"
    "dropCollision" : [-8.0, -3.0, 8.0, 3.0],
    "maxStack" : 1,
    "level" : 5,
    "rarity" : "Common",
    "inspectionKind" : "gun",
    "image" : "woodgun.png",
    "recoilTime" : 0.1,
    "handPosition" : [-5.5, -3],
    "firePosition" : [12, 3],

    "fireTime" : 2.5,
    "twoHanded" : false,

    "projectileType" : "wood",
    "projectile" : {
    "speed" : 35
    "power" : 12
    "color" : [10, 255, 10]

    "muzzleEffect" : {
    "animation" : "/craftgun/woodgun/woodgunmf.animation",
    "fireSound" : [ { "file" : "/craftgun/woodgun/woodgunsound.wav" } ]

    Recipe :

    "input" : [
    { "item" : "darkwoodmaterial", "count" : 25 },
    { "item" : "money", "count" : 150 }
    "output" : {
    "item" : "woodgun",
    "count" : 1
    "groups" : [ "gunstation", "weapons", "all" ]
  2. Matterialize

    Matterialize Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    You're missing some commas. description and shortdescription both need one at the end of their line. You also need one at the end of your projectile speed and power lines.

    "description" : "A gun made of wood, reinforced so the gun doesn't break.",
    "shortdescription" : "Wooden Gun",
    "projectileType" : "wood",
    "projectile" : {
    "speed" : 35,
    "power" : 12,
    "color" : [10, 255, 10]
  3. Bestpick

    Bestpick Big Damn Hero

    Thank you, it worked.

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