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Thanks for the sale!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Litagano Motscoud, Jun 21, 2014.

  1. Litagano Motscoud

    Litagano Motscoud Master Astronaut

    I played the Risk of Rain beta/demo when it first game out, and I really liked it. Always wanted to pre-order it. Now the game is out on Steam (it's been out for a while), and on sale for a really nice price. I was able to sell some Steam Inventory items to get the money for it. I've installed it, but haven't played it yet, but I will soon!

    So yeah, thanks for the summer flash sale! For anyone unaware, the game is 75% off, leaving it at a price of $2.49! But the sale as of right now will only last for 3.5 hours more, so make sure to get it now!

    Anyone else get it during the sale?
      Finn Learson likes this.
    • iJackie

      iJackie Space Hobo

      I got it during the sale! It's a steal for $2.49 and really fun with friends!
      • extremist

        extremist Existential Complex

        Got it now too! It's so awesome, the game is super hard though and I've got no one to play with. :(
        • kidnamerock

          kidnamerock Big Damn Hero

          i have a server

          • Very fun game, well worth the sale. I've had it for a while, but when it's the price of a King sized Kit Kat bar the choice is pretty obvious.

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