After Afghanistan, a former comrade of mine actually mananged to somehow smuggle a training grenade to our NYE party. Good thing I never unlearned how to quickly dive into cover, because this guy's always been horrible with grenades. EDIT: Spelling
Oh god. Why is everyone almost getting blown up at NYE? I have a story like that myself. Some people where firing a rocket when it fell over and flew towards our family. Luckily, it didn't go near anyone of us exept me. I didn't see how close it got because I immeduately turned away. A very small part of my coat got charred but I got no injury.
I'd wager lots of drunk people with access to explosives. Some just have access to better/worse (depending on your perception of the matter) explosives
I have more stuff to share. 13. I have a great balance. I hardly trip and when I'm about to I almost always stop myself with either hands or feet. I call it 'an overfunctioning survival sense'. It's quite annoying if I try to learn to use balance requiring "vehicles" like scateboards as I keep steoping of it when I'm about to fall and not try to turn it. 14. I have never learned to drive a bisycle. Yes I know embarrashing but I can't learn it anymore because if 13. 15. I have some weird way of walking. I also make a ton of noice when I walk. My parents say that I sound like I'm super fat, but I'm very skinny. I think I must stand in a way that distributes a lot of weight across my feet.
That's actually pretty interesting because I walk rather silently and trip all the time. Maybe there's a correlation?
It's hard to explain in a different language, but roll off your feet very carefully. Depending on the ground and the shoes you're wearing, sneaking may be easier or more difficult (boots + gravel, basically impossible). In such cases, move slowly and make sure that whatever gear you're wearing doesn't generate too much noise. When in doubt, tape it to yourself. I also shouldn't say this actually, because someone will take it out of context, but spread your legs: Your pants will generate a lot of noise when the individual legs are rubbing against each other.
I already read a little. I probably should watch some youtube videos so I csn visualise it. By "roll off your feet" you mean put the back of the foot first and front after, right? I've also heard that on gravel you should put your feet right sfter each other as a line and carefully remove weight from behind to the front. (Kinda like a rolling wheel) and to run on your toes if you have to run.
Correct. Also correct, though it's next to impossible to move without noise on gravel. Sneaking is all about minimizing noise, but almost never about removing it. Of course, someone with a black belt in ninjutsu will disagree, but take it from someone with actual combat experience.
To be fair, I only served around two years, and my unit usually came into action when stealth was entirely optional
That's cool. I used to train aikido but quickly tired of it. Could be that I didn't like the social aspect, what with throwing each other to the floor and seeing everyone try to get a different belt. I doubt i even got a belt. (Not counting white of course.)
Internet speed can be quite important though, since many soldiers like to stay in contact with their families. In order not to derail the thread while at the same time keeping this surprisingly therapeutic discussion alive, here's a few more o' mine: While I do not own a license or a car, I am actually pretty good at driving. I caught my first fish two minutes after the line went down. I am fluent in German and English. I can swear and order a beer in four other languages though. I have a really strange addiction to chewing gum. On the plus side, I always have fresh breath though! I prefer my steaks well done. I realize a lot of you now hate me. Nobody calls me chicken. Seriously, it never happened before, even though there may be plenty of reasons for calling me that. The number of people who have seen me naked is surprisingly low at 11 (at least I hope that's surprising....) I have not owned a TV since 2013
I originally only had 9 but Surenu's gum one gave me a 10th! I'm colour blind. My eyes can't perceive certain shades of green. They looked yellow or even red. Both my parents served in the military. But only my dad saw combat. I'm bisexual. Yep. I won't go into any details but I was engaged once. Not any more though. When I was a child I severely sprained my right wrist. All my grandparents died before I was 10 years old. So I basically don't know what it's like to have grandparents. I don't really like animals. I can tolerate cats pretty well. Probably because we had some when I was a kid. And on the same note, I really don't like children. Except my nieces and nephews. I've had only 3 major hospital stays in my life. 1 when I was a kid and 2 as an adult. I don't chew gum. I haven't chewed gum for probably 15 years.
11? It's only five for me and three of those are family. And those are all because of saunas, because us finns go there a lot. Then again I haven't been in a single relationship or done it. Edit: Okay scratch that I've been in a public sauna. So... shit I think I outnumber you.
No need to feel bad, public saunas are a thing here but they cost a lot of money so not everyone goes there.
Was on a family outing a some kind of river (don't remember it too well) and I was running through some trees. Tripped on a root and fell into a tree right arm first. Also, I don't know how many people have seen me naked. Certainly all my family. Plus a lot of people from uni. Plus some others because reasons that involved nudity.