I have made a floran sword, and I want it to emit flowery and acidy particles when swung. It worked, but then I decided that I'll be needing a custom combo too, so I co--- made one. The combo started working, but now the particles aren't appearing for some reason, even though I copied and pasted the same exact thing as from the first version of the sword. File (and, if you dont want to download it, online code) present. { "itemName": "floransword1", "price": 1500, "level": 4, "maxStack": 1, "rarity": "Legendary", "description": "Grown naturally.", "shortdescription": "Living Flower", "tooltipKind": "sword", "category": "broadsword", "twoHanded": true, "itemTags": ["weapon", "melee", "broadsword", "upgradeableWeapon"], "inventoryIcon": "floransword1.png", "animation": "/items/active/weapons/melee/broadsword/combobroadsword.animation", "animationParts": { "handle": "", "blade": "floransword1.png" }, "animationCustom": { "animatedParts": { "stateTypes": { "swoosh": { "default": "idle", "states": { "idle": {}, "fire": { "frames": 3, "cycle": 0.1, "mode": "transition", "transition": "idle" }, "fire2": { "frames": 3, "cycle": 0.1, "mode": "transition", "transition": "idle" }, "fire3": { "frames": 3, "cycle": 0.1, "mode": "transition", "transition": "idle" }, "fire4": { "frames": 3, "cycle": 0.1, "mode": "transition", "transition": "idle" }, "fire5": { "frames": 3, "cycle": 0.1, "mode": "transition", "transition": "idle" } } } }, "parts": { "swoosh": { "partStates": { "swoosh": { "fire": { "properties": { "image": "/items/active/weapons/melee/broadsword/swoosh/poisonswoosh.png:<frame>", "offset": [0, 2.5], "damageArea": [[-5, 2], [-2.5, 3], [1, 3], [4, 1.75], [5, -0.25], [5, -2.25], [4, -3.25], [0, -2.5]] } }, "fire2": { "properties": { "image": "/items/active/weapons/melee/broadsword/swoosh2/poisonswoosh.png:<frame>", "offset": [5.0, 1.0], "damageArea": [[-4, 1], [2.5, 1], [2.5, -2], [-4, -2]] } }, "fire3": { "properties": { "image": "/items/active/weapons/melee/broadsword/swoosh3/poisonswoosh.png:<frame>?flipy", "offset": [3.5, 0], "damageArea": [[-4.75, 1.5], [3, 1], [3, -1], [-4.75, -1.5]] } }, "fire4": { "properties": { "image": "/items/active/weapons/melee/broadsword/swoosh3/poisonswoosh.png:<frame>", "offset": [3.5, 0], "damageArea": [[-4.75, 1.5], [3, 1], [3, -1], [-4.75, -1.5]] } }, "fire5": { "properties": { "image": "/items/active/weapons/melee/broadsword/swoosh/poisonswoosh.png:<frame>", "offset": [0, 2.5], "damageArea": [[-5, 2], [-2.5, 3], [1, 3], [4, 1.75], [5, -0.25], [5, -2.25], [4, -3.25], [0, -2.5]] } } } } } } }, "particles" : [ { "particle" : "flower" }, { "particle" : "poisondrip1" }, { "particle" : "poisondrip2" }, { "particle" : "poisondrip3" } ], "sounds": { "fire": ["/sfx/melee/swing_broadsword_poison1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_broadsword_poison2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_broadsword_poison3.ogg"], "fire2": ["/sfx/melee/swing_broadsword_poison1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_broadsword_poison2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_broadsword_poison3.ogg"], "fire3": ["/sfx/melee/swing_broadsword_poison1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_broadsword_poison2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_broadsword_poison3.ogg"], "fire4": ["/sfx/melee/swing_broadsword_poison1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_broadsword_poison2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_broadsword_poison3.ogg"], "fire5": ["/sfx/melee/swing_broadsword_poison1.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_broadsword_poison2.ogg", "/sfx/melee/swing_broadsword_poison3.ogg"] } }, "scripts": ["/items/active/weapons/melee/meleeweapon.lua"], "elementalType": "physical", "primaryAbilityType": "broadswordcombo", "primaryAbility": { "name": "Combo Slash", "type": "broadswordcombo", "scripts": ["/items/active/weapons/melee/meleecombo.lua"], "class": "MeleeCombo", "comboSteps": 5, "flashTime": 0.15, "flashDirectives": "fade=FFFFFFFF=0.15", "swooshOffsetRegions": [[0.75, 0.0, 4.25, 5.0], [3.0, -0.5, 6.5, 2.0], [0.75, 0.0, 4.25, 5.0], [1.5, -1.0, 5.5, 1.0], [0.75, 0.0, 4.25, 5.0]], // cooldown time multiplier for steps after the first, compounded per combo step "comboSpeedFactor": 0.5, "edgeTriggerGrace": 0.25, "fireTime": 1.0, "baseDps": 11, "damageConfig": { "damageSourceKind": "broadsword", "statusEffects": [], "knockbackMode": "facing", "timeout": 0.5 }, "stepDamageConfig": [{ "baseDamageFactor": 0.7, "knockback": 10 }, { "baseDamageFactor": 1.5, "knockback": 15 }, { "baseDamageFactor": 0.6, "knockback": 10 }, { "baseDamageFactor": 0.8, "knockback": 20 }, { "baseDamageFactor": 1.2, "knockback": 20 } ], "stances": { "idle": { "armRotation": 30, "weaponRotation": 50, "allowRotate": false, "allowFlip": true }, "windup1": { "duration": 0.2, "armRotation": 90, "weaponRotation": 10, "weaponOffset": [0, 0], "twoHanded": true, "allowFlip": true, "allowRotate": false }, "preslash1": { "duration": 0.025, "armRotation": 70, "weaponRotation": 10, "twoHanded": true, "allowRotate": false, "allowFlip": false }, "fire1": { "duration": 0.2, "armRotation": -50, "weaponRotation": -45, "weaponOffset": [0, 0], "twoHanded": true, "allowFlip": true, "allowRotate": false }, "wait1": { "duration": 0.2, "armRotation": -50, "weaponRotation": -45, "weaponOffset": [0, 0], "twoHanded": true, "allowFlip": true, "allowRotate": false }, "windup2": { "duration": 0.15, "armRotation": 5, "weaponRotation": -80, "weaponOffset": [0, 0], "twoHanded": true, "allowFlip": true, "allowRotate": false }, "fire2": { "duration": 0.2, "armRotation": -130, "weaponRotation": 40, "weaponOffset": [0, 0], "twoHanded": true, "allowFlip": true, "allowRotate": false }, "wait2": { "duration": 0.2, "armRotation": -130, "weaponRotation": 40, "weaponOffset": [0, 0], "allowRotate": false, "allowFlip": true, "twoHanded": true }, "windup3": { "duration": 0.15, "armRotation": -90, "weaponRotation": 0, "twoHanded": true, "allowRotate": false, "allowFlip": true }, "fire3": { "duration": 0.4, "armRotation": 0, "weaponRotation": -80, "twoHanded": true, "allowRotate": false, "allowFlip": true }, "wait3": { "duration": 0.2, "armRotation": 0, "weaponRotation": -65, "weaponOffset": [0, 0], "twoHanded": true, "allowFlip": true, "allowRotate": false }, "windup4": { "duration": 0.15, "armRotation": 140, "weaponRotation": 160, "weaponOffset": [0, 0], "twoHanded": true, "allowFlip": true, "allowRotate": false }, "fire4": { "duration": 0.2, "armRotation": 60, "weaponRotation": -170, "weaponOffset": [0, 0], "twoHanded": true, "allowFlip": true, "allowRotate": false }, "wait4": { "duration": 0.2, "armRotation": 60, "weaponRotation": -170, "weaponOffset": [0, 0], "allowRotate": false, "allowFlip": true, "twoHanded": true }, "windup5": { "duration": 0.15, "armRotation": 90, "weaponRotation": 20, "twoHanded": true, "allowRotate": false, "allowFlip": true }, "fire5": { "duration": 0.6, "armRotation": -40, "weaponRotation": -70, "twoHanded": true, "allowRotate": false, "allowFlip": true } } }, "altAbilityType": "greatwave", "altAbility": { "projectileParameters": { "power": 0 } }, "builder": "/items/buildscripts/buildunrandweapon.lua", "upgradeParameters": { "inventoryIcon": "floransword1_l6.png", "animationParts": { "blade": "floransword1_l6.png" }, "shortdescription": "Living Flower ^yellow;^reset;" } } [/SPOILER="Hide the code"]
Nevermind! All fixed now! I only copied the "particles" part, leaving "particleEmitters" and such behind.... Im stupid