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Bug/Issue Switch version - assorted bugs (including audio crackle)

Discussion in 'Support' started by Typhoon, Oct 4, 2017.

  1. Typhoon

    Typhoon Spaceman Spiff

  2. Typhoon

    Typhoon Spaceman Spiff

  3. Typhoon

    Typhoon Spaceman Spiff

    "When on the inventory screen, if you pick up an item while standing near another item which is then picked up (assuming you had full inventory beforehand), pressing B to hover the selected item over the trash doesn't work. I'm not 100% sure it does in other versions, but it does work in other scenarios, and I assume it should work like that here as well."

    • Typhoon

      Typhoon Spaceman Spiff

      "On second day I've catched some fish. Then went back home to my pond. I believed that I can release the fish in my pond. So I tried, but with no result. On 4th time I've responded "no" to the "do you want to eat it" question, my game just froze there. Like music and animation was OK, it was just not responding to any input. And only the game, because main menu and other buttons were working."


      Note: I wasn't aware that you could release fish into your farm pond. However, even if you can't then there does appear to be a bug due to the person's game freezing.
      • Typhoon

        Typhoon Spaceman Spiff

      • Typhoon

        Typhoon Spaceman Spiff

      • Typhoon

        Typhoon Spaceman Spiff

      • Typhoon

        Typhoon Spaceman Spiff

        "I really miss the HD rumble, can it count as a bug and get implemented ? Pretty please!"


        and, with regards to rumble:

        "I tried reporting a bug but nobody saw it on the other thread.

        Have tested and can confirm that the joycons do not rumble when in (attached) handheld mode. The only time joycons rumble is when they are detached.

        The people who ported sdv to switch probably overlooked the fact that although joycons and procons vibrate on their own when connected to the game, having joycons attached to the console is treated as an entirely different controller state than when they are detached. Adding a variable for handheld mode and allowing it to utilize vibration would be a very very easy and quick fix from a programming perspective."


          Last edited: Oct 7, 2017
        • Typhoon

          Typhoon Spaceman Spiff

          "I experienced a game breaking bug. As I was selecting randomly generated characters it froze my game (but the background continued to move as clouds etc passed by?) But I couldn't control the game. No input worked. Joycons were connected and could exit game and move around my home menu but anything in game would no longer work. I closed the game and rebooted it. Still would not work. In the process of redownloading the game now in hopes it fixes it....

          Edit: redownloading it does not fix it, however, a complete reset of the switch did fix it."

          • Typhoon

            Typhoon Spaceman Spiff

            "When gifting people for the first time it sometimes says you already gifted them and the character only responds to you about the gift after you talk to them again. Happened 3-4 times so far on week one."


            And this:

            "I was encountering a strange bug with Penny. I gave her a gift on Day 1, and when I tried to give her a gift on Day 2 it said I had already given her 2 gifts this week. Then every once in a while her dialogue just doesn't pop up when giving her gifts."


            and this:

            "When giving gifts to villagers sometimes, the first dialogue pops up as “you’ve already given a gift today”, even though it’s the first time. Talking to the villager afterwards will show the “gift” dialogue that should’ve gone off when first gifting them."



            "I had a bug where it told me I had already given Haley too many gifts that week on a Monday... and in the relationships bar, both slots were filled. But it was a Monday, and I hadn't even given her a gift yet that day, so that shouldn't have been at all possible. Somehow it didn't reset from the previous week."



            "A bunch of times I tried to give a gift to a villager and it'll say "you've already given ______ a gift today!" when I definitely did not. And sometimes the first time I talk to someone on that day will thank me for the gift (even though I wasn't holding anything so gave them nothing)."

              Last edited: Oct 7, 2017
            • Typhoon

              Typhoon Spaceman Spiff

              "You can fish with little to no time passing. While fishing open the quest log by using the cursor on the exclamation mark in the top right of the screen. While the quest log is open, the in game time is frozen, but a fish will eventually bite. Once you hear the audio queue quickly press B, then Y to reel in the fish as normal."

              • Typhoon

                Typhoon Spaceman Spiff

                "Opening the journal when you have no quests crashes the game.

                can be seen:

                journal works fine up until no quests in it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p15hIumsoTg "



                "So I accidentally deleted the journal entry "Getting started." After harvesting the parsnips the game now crashes whenever I open the journal. Had to start a new game."

                • Typhoon

                  Typhoon Spaceman Spiff

                • Typhoon

                  Typhoon Spaceman Spiff

                • Typhoon

                  Typhoon Spaceman Spiff

                  This could be a bug in terms of draining resources or similar??? Surely the game should play for longer than 3 hours on the battery ???

                  "Anyone noticed it drains the battery really quickly? I've played it for 3 hours in handheld mode and the battery drained from 100% to telling me it needed charging. I haven't intensively played a game for 3 hours straight so not sure if it's just standard battery usage or not."

                  • Typhoon

                    Typhoon Spaceman Spiff

                  • Typhoon

                    Typhoon Spaceman Spiff

                  • Typhoon

                    Typhoon Spaceman Spiff

                    "Had an issue where I opened up a trash can, found some Joja cola in it and had to swap something out of my inventory to get it (because my inventory was full). After the trash can closed, my character couldn't walk and would just move in place while the tool hit indicator would blink on and off (because I have it set to "on" unless I'm moving).

                    Eventually I started moving again but I honestly thought I would have to wait till I passed out or reset the game when that happened"

                    • Typhoon

                      Typhoon Spaceman Spiff

                      Maybe related to the comm center items getting the wrong names? Not sure so reporting this separately:

                      "Not sure if this has been reported - There's no way to see the names of the community center items that I can find? Only shows the pictures, you can't move your cursor over to the item to see what it's called. Especially an issue for fish."

                      • Typhoon

                        Typhoon Spaceman Spiff

                        Another bundles issue - maybe related to the others, maybe not:

                        "I appear to be unable to see the name of the items required for community centre bundles. I swear on the PS4 version you could scroll over them to see what they're called, but that doesn't appear to be an option at the moment. All we have to go on is the appearance of the fish/crop etc. That'll be tricky..."


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