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Bug/Issue Switch UI Bugs - was this game even playtested?

Discussion in 'Support' started by HyperJ, Oct 9, 2017.

  1. HyperJ

    HyperJ Void-Bound Voyager

    In general, the UI for console still feels unpolished, but worse yet there are bugs:

    For example, the community centre button in the menu can be completely inaccessible sometimes. I can replicate this very reliably by opening up inventory with "B", using bumper buttons to flip through the various tabs, and when I return to the inventory menu, the icon is inaccessible. Also, why is the icon only accessible through the inventory tab and no others despite appearing on every tab? It seems like that button shouldn't be appearing on every tab since it's positioning doesn't change and actually obscures other UI at times. Just absolutely shoddy design and QA!

    Here are some links to other UI issues that should have been caught in basic QA:



      Last edited: Oct 10, 2017
    • Alisuu

      Alisuu Space Spelunker

      Actually, when opening the inve they with + or B, it should automatically open in the inventory tab, and thus the button should be accessible. When opening the menu with X though, you open up in craft interface, and if navigating from craft interface to inventory, the button becomes inaccessible. (Even if you opened it with + or B and navigated to craft tab and back)

      If you toggle off the console style interface, you get freely moved cursor and with that, the bundle button can be accessed always when it is visible.
      • HyperJ

        HyperJ Void-Bound Voyager

        I think you've found the exact reason why. Toggling off the console style interface shouldn't even be an option. Everything about the interface just screams lazy and zero effort. There are mouse cursors appearing in some screen transitions for goodness sake. You'd think for a game that's sold so well and made so much money, they would actually at least adapt the UI for console properly.
        • Typhoon

          Typhoon Spaceman Spiff

          One possible workaround for this is to disable the option ‘Use controller-style menus’.

          Another possible workaround is to push the right controller stock (push it from the top) - that will display the cursor and you can move it around and select previously unavailable items.

          Edit: unfortunately it doesn't always seem to work ..........
            Last edited: Oct 10, 2017
          • HyperJ

            HyperJ Void-Bound Voyager

            Devs, can we get some acknowledgement for this GLARING issue?
              Typhoon likes this.
            • Thermospore

              Thermospore Space Hobo

              While it's true that there are some UI issues that need to be fixed, I don't think getting up in arms and being rude to the devs is appropriate.
              • HyperJ

                HyperJ Void-Bound Voyager

                Getting incensed about lazy ports is absolutely warranted. These are not bugs or glitches that may have slipped QA - these are glaring oversights in the actual functionality of the game that is borne of laziness and/or incompetence. That should never be accepted.

                In an effort to be helpful, here are some links to other UI issues that should have been caught in basic QA:



                • HyperJ

                  HyperJ Void-Bound Voyager

                  Bump for visibility.
                  • Typhoon

                    Typhoon Spaceman Spiff

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