Switch Multi-Player Recruiting

Discussion in 'Multiplayer' started by Alexis613, Dec 12, 2018.

  1. Alexis613

    Alexis613 Space Hobo

    Hello! My name is Alexis and I am looking for some nice people to play with! If you are interested in creating a game with me, please PM me. :) No requirements needed, of course.

    -Normal Profit Margin
    -Cabin Layout is up to a poll.
    -Farm Type is up to a poll.
    -Farm Name up to suggestions! (And Pet)
    • Tima2207

      Tima2207 Space Hobo

      Im interested. Add me on switch. 5825-9624-1206
      • my friend code is 4526-3703-6216
        • Omelette 56

          Omelette 56 Intergalactic Tourist

          I'm also up for it
          fc is SW-2236-8741-4710
          • Rickytan253

            Rickytan253 Poptop Tamer

            hey guys, you should join my discord channel so we can all have a means of messaging. i wanna get some games going!
            • *Dany*

              *Dany* Space Hobo

              I want to join too. My friend code is SW-6529-7120-1716

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