Switch - how about a progress bar indicator when saving?

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Typhoon, Oct 5, 2017.

  1. Typhoon

    Typhoon Spaceman Spiff

    Given that save times are so long, it would be nice to see a progress bar indicator so that people know that something is actually happening/progressing. :)
    • Typhoon

      Typhoon Spaceman Spiff

      For example:

      "I have as issue where the game seems to hang on the game start 'Nintendo Switch logo' for about 30 seconds - 1 minute, before loading the game.

      The logo is still clicking together like it's going to load but just seems to take forever compared to my other games where that screen is done in like 5 seconds. It does load eventually, but I thought it was just not working at all before, I also downloaded the game again and still get it.

      I'm not sure I've seen anyone else comment that they have this minor issue, so thought i'd post it. I also get the audio crackling, so it's great to see things are being addressed."


      and that's just for loading the game, a progress bar for saving would be even more welcome.

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