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(Switch) Found out why I crash when I sleep!

Discussion in 'Support' started by Zippy Ragu, Oct 14, 2017.

  1. Zippy Ragu

    Zippy Ragu Space Hobo

    I've gone over saves over and over and even replayed the game twice, and I figured out why I crash when I go to bed. This is an extremely common issue, and I believe if more people know about this then it would save so much time:

    When you upgrade to the kitchen, you have the option to cook. Whenever you do cook, you use up items in the fridge. I'm not sure if it's the same with the PC version, but when you put items in a storage container, like the fridge for example, it always aligns from left to right. However, whenever you do cook from the fridge, and an item is taken away, the items don't align, and there are gaps in between the items. I've found every single time there is a gap, and I head to bed, it ALWAYS crashes!

    Here's the solution (And no, it's not to stop cooking all together): Whenever you place another item inside the fridge, the items align again. Simple! Then you can take items out at your leisure and they stay aligned. It's failproof for me, and I'm hoping the devs are aware of this issue, it sounds like an incredibly simple fix.
    • Alisuu

      Alisuu Space Spelunker

      I congratulate you on this find. It would explain the assumably mining related crashes, as it's likely people going on serious mining trip would have cooked some food for them. Now I hope there will be some others, who can confirm this. If it's repeatable on everyone you might just have solved the mystery. :)
      • karmaqt2

        karmaqt2 Space Hobo

        Mine crashed twice in a row, on day 28 of Fall, year 1, but the third time I didn't go mining, but and it went through. I'm playing on a Switch, though. Both days I cooked Artichoke Dip.
        • karmaqt2

          karmaqt2 Space Hobo

          Ok. Just tested it out, and I think you're right. Did one day, cooked a bunch, crashed. Repeated day, did not touch kitchen, went mining, no crash. Tried again, just cooking something and doing nothing else, and game crashed. Congrats!!
          • allan-god

            allan-god Yeah, You!

            I think this has worked for me too. Ever since reading this I've been keeping an eye on the fridge and i haven't had a crash, then one day i made pancakes and didn't pay attention to the fridge and it crashed at the end of the day. I'm pretty sure making the pancakes made a space in the fridge as I made 4 and had 4 milk in the fridge at the time.
            • Typhoon

              Typhoon Spaceman Spiff

              Looks like you may have been the first to discover this so well done and thanks!

              user switch_lee also found (on the same day) that adding a fish to the fridge fixed the issue for him.
              • Cherkov

                Cherkov Poptop Tamer

                You beat me to it. I signed up for an account just to post this find. If you cook in the kitchen and use the last item of something in the fridge, it leaves a blank spot there, unlike most other chests. You can even see this blank spot. If you open the fridge and press the organize storage button, the fridge inventory looks fine, but if you move the cursor the spot after the last item, you'll be in a blank spot. Normally you can't select a blank spot in an inventory, so there is something being left behind causing it to crash.
                  Typhoon likes this.
                • Typhoon

                  Typhoon Spaceman Spiff

                  That's a good explanation. I'm very pleased that Chucklefish have determined the cause the of the main sleep crash bug, let's hope they can soon identify the cause of the other one too.
                  • Alisuu

                    Alisuu Space Spelunker

                    To be exact, the community has determined it :p it's up for him to fix it though. Another thread suggests such gap can possibly be left even if the fridge is empty, if it was emptied by cooking (is, not really a gap, but empty spot left by cooking) so it's possible the root cause might still lead to this, even on people who don't realise their crashin day Y is connected to emptying the fridge with cooking on X days earlier. Crash reports are always biased on towards the reporters assumption of how lengthy span on their actions might cause it. If it was indeed a poorly initialized pointer or such, it might still return desired (assumably null) value for a while until something else writes something into the area it happens to point at.
                      Last edited: Oct 17, 2017
                    • Intothekey

                      Intothekey Space Hobo

                      I always thought it was the stardrop upgrade that I would get when I made a trip to the mine.I'm so glad you posted this out, now I won't skip the upgrade!!!!
                        Last edited: Oct 18, 2017

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