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Bug/Issue [Switch] Character stuck when I missed the water with my fishing pole

Discussion in 'Support' started by NidunNyos, Mar 24, 2019.

  1. NidunNyos

    NidunNyos Space Hobo

    As the title says, during the Festival of Ice I was trying to fish but accidentaly missed the water. My character was stuck, but the timer kept going. I turned the game off as I wanted to participate, no idea if at the end of the timer everything would go back to normal.
    I have absolutely no idea if it's a common bug, and I'm not looking for advices or anything, just reporting the issue c:
    • GalopaWXY

      GalopaWXY Void-Bound Voyager

      I see there have been multiple reports of this specific bug I ran into today over the years, so I'll just up an existing post... please look into it, ConcernedApe x_x

      It was also winter for me, but outside of any festival, and I did wait a while to see if I would collapse at 2 a.m. ... but nope! In-game time stopped at 2:00, only shaking from time to time, while my character was stuck with fishing pole across him. I never had the issue until I bought the iridium pole, and when I froze I was aiming at my horse by mistake. I've also been playing a few other games, and misclicked with my fishing pole quite a few times over the years, but it's the first time I ran into this specific bug.

      I tried to upload my save to this post but it won't let me add any rar or raw file :zzz:

        Attached Files:

      • Pathoschild

        Pathoschild Tiy's Beard

        That's been reported to the game developers and the upcoming 1.4 update is expected to fix a number of bugs, so hopefully it'll be fixed then.

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