It was a nearby green planet where I tried to find some silver. Then I had a battle with metorite aliens and the rain started in the middle of the battle. Died in 2 seconds
Love the mod so far. When i read recent dev log i slightly recognized inspiration in your mod. Ohh and one thing i find strange: Stone axe animation: it looks awkward. Charater swings fast behind him, but slow when he/she is acctually making the chop itself. I would try to make it exactly the oposite way and it should look good. At elast i think it would. Timing would remain same. You would have long slow reach out and then fast swing foreward into the tree.
hello thnx! yeah, the broken fuel hatch idea you mean? ill put the stone axe animation on my to do list, should be quick fix I guess.
Why does wheat almost never gives wheat? I started doing a big farm and i harvested 70 wheat and got 135 seed and only 17 wheat. Why would i need this much seed and so few wheat...
Where do i get green diamonds? i've only found one and need a lot for the tier2 upgrade...played countless hours and progression is way too slow imo. vanilla is way too fast but this mod is awesome and all but it should be a little bit less of a grind.
hello, the slow wheat is like that from vanilla. green diamonds are on the green planets. yeah, it's still beta, both the balancing and progression needs a lot more work. together with 1000 other things
Thx for the reply, it never seemed to be that bad with vanilla wheat though, maybe it's just bad luck the. lol
no, today is new patch. which make mod non-compatibility with current version. mod should update tomorrow or so.
antonsenlarsen updated Survivalist Mod with a new update entry: 0.924 Death Bow (pak fix) Read the rest of this update entry...
hello. I don't know really. I've finished a lot of what's on my list, but there are some big changes I'm working on that can't be launched unfinished. I also have exams and stuff going on in real life.. it is coming, but I don't know when yet!
One of my Starbound based clans is playing your mod into the friggen ground; take all the time you need but know you have a huge fanbase my friend.
I really like your mod, but I wish pickaxes were more realistic material-wise. Like progression should be stone>copper>iron>steel>titanium>diamond instead of silly gold, silver, and platinum ones.
So I am not getting any survival points from monsters when I kill them. Do i have to use the stick? Or can I take them out with a hunters bow?