While I often post a variety of floofs, the vast majority of my love for animals has to go to parrots.
one question @Surenu Have you ever had authentic New England chowdah? If not you need to get on that shit right now.
Well, I... manage, I guess. I don't use them often because forks are just more convenient and I don't like to overcomplicate things. I would, but my area isn't big on seafood and getting the ingredients would be pretty difficult, if not downright impossible.
For a single topping: Salami For a combination: Salami, proscioutto, red bell-peppers, fresh tomatos and basically all the garlic, and make it hot.
Slow internet. I can live with no internet. I love having fast internet. But slow internet is torture and should be outlawed.
Cold. Coooooooold. Cold like my soul. For some of my favorite beverages I even keep ice cubes of the same beverages so I can cool them even further without diluting them. Life hack: If you put a toothpick in there they also make a convenient popsicle!
Everything that makes doing the dishes unnecessarily hard - gratins, lasagna, mashed potatoes, cheese soup etc. Also, everything that takes hours to get ready. All of these are, unfortunately, things I like to eat very much.
If I had to choose one off the top of my head, it's salmon-cream-gratin. That stuff sticks to everything (but it's oooooh so delicious)