Absolutely deplorable, inexcusable and inhumane. I can understand using irregular tactics against a far more technologically advanced aggressor, but targeting civilians to spread fear is a no-go. Aside from getting ousted in a violent coup due to my failed economic policies? Probably line my swiss bank account and escape to some tropical island before this happens. Also, I'd outlaw brussels sprouts. After. That way the cereal floats less initially and I can thus fit more cereal into the bowl while, after finishing it, still having enough milk mixed with cereal dust for that satisfying sip.
I applaud you. I also agree, terrorism is a stupid, horrible way to "express" hate. My only problem is the US gets way too offended by terrorist who can't ACTUALLY HARM US and freaking gets our own people killed. Most Americans actually hate this as well. Now I need to ask another question don't I? If you were to be driven closer, would you hit them with your sword?
Another quiet thread, I can't let people forget about our favorite German friend Surenu... Would you upgrade your computer? As of now I personally wouldn't, my laptop is really nice and I have no need to upgrade for a long time.
I have a laptop, so upgrading individual parts is pretty much out of the question. I wanted to build a new tower PC this year, but, eh, I'm getting a car instead
Sniper rifles require extensive training to use which I have never gotten (I was technically qualified for sniper school and even specops but my uncorrected eyesight was too bad) so shotgun.
if you had an awesome secret base, what would it be? a hidden bunker underneath a volcano? a fortress of death in the frozen mountains?
Depends on how you define "like". If we're assuming family-like liking, well, there's already my 8 year old niece.
This niece of yours sound nice. You keep mentioning her all the time. It's nice to have somebody you care for.