Since @Camodude10 has one, I want one as well. Ask me anything (in accordance to forum rules) and I shall answer.
My family. If you mean romantically, noone at the moment. There is someone I have a crush on but I got shot down, but then again, having a crush on someone is kind of a prerequisite but not the same as romantic love. Who that person is I shall not share, she might be reading this.
Plenty of them. I'm interested in history, psychology, military engineering, politics, social issues, literature, art, japanese stuff and I like to gather random trivia. For sports, I do HEMA, darts and krav maga tho I used to do tae-kwon-do (black belt btw). I love hiking, go fishing from time to time and collect knives, cigarette warning labels and 1950's stuff. I also work out and love cooking, although I'm pretty used to junkfood since I've been single for quite a while and cooking for one person is oftentimes quite a waste of money. I love to keep up with the news, often try obscure craft beers and love to boop snoots
Oh! HEMA? What's your preferred style/weapon? (I'm still experimenting myself. I've found to like shortsword and buckler, or sabre and sword breaker. Haven't gone in a while and can't go in a year due to braces though.)
My group and I do early middle ages, i.e. swords/axes/spears, knives and light armour in full contact. The shield is my main defense and also quite a formidable weapon seeing that it weighs about 10 kilos. If the weather gets warm enough to start again (cold weather does awful things to the cheap stuff we have) I'll pitch in a photo! Personally, I'm an axe-man, but my fighting style is weird anyway because I use both arms offensively while I primarily evade attacks, pull away the shield with the head of my axe and bash my opponent with the shield. Works quite formidably because noses break easily lol.
This can take quite a while, the weather here in Germany can be all over the place and two guys from the group have moved to other cities in different states.
Tomboy. But I'd be a cute tomboy. A cute tomboy with a history of violence, weapons-trained and with a camo-bra.
Definitely has to be loving, has to have a sense of humour and must like both spoiling others and getting spoiled at the same time because I like giving and receiving spoiling. Must be fairly independent, but not independent enough to make me feel useless. Has to enjoy my sense of humour which can be crude. Must put up with me waking up from nightmares most nights. Must be 100% faithful. Bonus points are given for loving video games, anime and music.
I shave it off as soon as I get to the stage that it's itchy because I have the willpower of a kitten in a laser-pointer factory. Guess I'll just look 25 'til I'm 35.
Droppin' bombs here In all seriousness though, it has to be @Charlatan who became a valuable friend in record time. If you had me choose a specific female forum member though I'd be hard-pressed, but you'd definitely be in the list of candidates