Complete Super awesome Humble Freedom Bundle giveaway! [Steam keys]

Discussion in 'Community Contests/Giveaways' started by Lodish, Feb 16, 2017.


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  1. Sunny

  2. Cloudy

  3. Rainy

  4. The cake is a lie

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  1. Lodish

    Lodish Black Hole Surfer

    Jimlad 42 likes this.
  2. Rgbunpro

    Rgbunpro Cosmos Killer

    Might I ask to acquire VVVVV?
    Jimlad 42 likes this.
  3. Lodish

    Lodish Black Hole Surfer

    Why, of course!
    Jimlad 42 likes this.
  4. Jimlad 42

    Jimlad 42 Supernova

    Reasonable time reached. I can haz No Time to Explain!
  5. Lodish

    Lodish Black Hole Surfer

    Gimme a sec, and it's yours!
    Jimlad 42 likes this.
  6. Jimlad 42

    Jimlad 42 Supernova

    Now I have to get my platform on, something I've never really done. Wish me luck, I'll need a lot of it.
    Lodish likes this.
  7. Diamond Dog

    Diamond Dog Guest

    I would like Streamline Early Access
    Jimlad 42 likes this.
  8. Lodish

    Lodish Black Hole Surfer

    Woop debeedoop!
    Jimlad 42 likes this.
  9. Denca

    Denca Space Hobo

    Could i have the virus named tom
    Jimlad 42 likes this.
  10. Lodish

    Lodish Black Hole Surfer

    I don't mean to sound overly suspicious, but you created your account a minute ago, and your first post is in a giveaway...
    Jimlad 42 likes this.
  11. Denca

    Denca Space Hobo

    Don't be too suspicious if you really need validation i can give you a game in exchange if you want
    Jimlad 42 likes this.
  12. BigBlueFish

    BigBlueFish Void-Bound Voyager

    I would like GRAV
    Sir Wilfrey and Jimlad 42 like this.
  13. Sir Wilfrey

    Sir Wilfrey Spaceman Spiff

    I... hm... a lot of these games seem like they'll be left untouched, a crying shame. If nobody else wants it (Lodish included), Hot Tin Roof: The Cat That Wore A Fedora Deluxe looks fantastic (though like all of these games the reviews kinda scare me, I lose nothing from at least trying) as it has revolvers, hats, cats, cats in hats, and that cheesy noire nonsense I just fucking adore. And the name's a goddamn pun in not one, but freaking 3 ways. If nothing else I must pay my respects to achieving so many ways to get my attention.


    ahem. uh, it's barely called a game anymore and has been abandoned for nearly 3 years, I mean fucking hell even the last few pictures of the steam webpage are broken, they can't even update or maintain the STORE PAGE. Looks real pretty tho I give em that. Until it breaks and you're left with a lot of wasted space/dataplan, but you do you friend, not like I'm not taking a small risk to my sanity.
  14. BigBlueFish

    BigBlueFish Void-Bound Voyager

    THANK YOU Sir Wilfrey I don't want GRAV I DON'T WANNA BE TRAUMATIZED... again
  15. Sir Wilfrey

    Sir Wilfrey Spaceman Spiff

    Maybe Waking Mars for you instead? Looks good, has a spacey theme, good music, etc. I dunno what your game tastes are, I simply remembered GRAV and almost had a seizure or something. Checked the steam page and it STILL hasn't updated beyond the big """content update"""" (merging servers, dead ones, dead server merging that was done in five minutes was their big update, like last year). Steam page is still buggy as hell towards the end of the pics, I didn't even know you could break a store page.
    Jimlad 42 likes this.
  16. Diamond Dog

    Diamond Dog Guest

    I would like A Virus Named Tom
    Jimlad 42 and Sir Wilfrey like this.
  17. Tonko

    Tonko Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Hey, there!

    I would like to get the key for Secrets of Raetikon.

    It would be for a friend c:

    Thanks :)
    Jimlad 42 and Sir Wilfrey like this.
  18. Lodish

    Lodish Black Hole Surfer

    What I meant is that joining a forum (seemingly) only for a giveaway isn't... a very nice thing to do.

    Sent, have fun!


    What will you take then? :nurutease:
    Jimlad 42 likes this.
  19. Diamond Dog

    Diamond Dog Guest

    seeing as im fucking trash that wants to get as much out of this as possible and know no limits, as well as 2 hours having already passed since my last request, could i have Retro Game Crunch
  20. Lodish

    Lodish Black Hole Surfer

    Well, here's your limit: I'm going to make you wait for two hours after giving you the key (you took four games out of thirty already :nuruninja:)
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