Sun question

Discussion in 'Starbound FAQs, Q&A, and General Help' started by Twiganator, Aug 26, 2012.


should you be able to travel to the suns of starbound.

  1. heck yes

  2. no

  1. Sykes

    Sykes Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    It is now :p
  2. Galactic Mindswipe

    Galactic Mindswipe Giant Laser Beams

    Stars are useless, eh? Without stars, we would be floating in the middle of nowhere, with NO life whatsoever, we'd basically be a bunch of asteroids floating uselessly in space.

    Don't say anything about how stars are useless, because they are not.
  3. Galactic Mindswipe

    Galactic Mindswipe Giant Laser Beams

    Alright, the Sun comes from the spanish word for star, Sol. So technically, you could call it a sun. Same goes for the moon. We call our moon the Moon, and other planet's moons moons. Paradox?
  4. Bombzero

    Bombzero Giant Laser Beams

    I mean useless from a perspective of visiting them, there is nothing of use to a star that would require you to 'land' on it.
    and any and all physically possible materials would melt, buckle, crack, or deform under the heat a star produces.
    The Corrupted [ITA] likes this.
  5. Galactic Mindswipe

    Galactic Mindswipe Giant Laser Beams

    The amount of space we can see compared to Earth, is about the size of a inflated beach ball. The amount we have explored, is the same size as a golf ball. There may be elements able to withstand the heat of a star, in this vast universe we have yet to explore. So don't start thinking that there is no possible element able to withstand it. There may be no known element able to, but there may be.
  6. Bombzero

    Bombzero Giant Laser Beams

    I would rather not retype my post from another thread about discovered elements, so ill summarize it.

    there is a near-zero chance of a single naturally occurring element in the universe having not been discovered by human beings.
    The Corrupted [ITA] likes this.
  7. Galactic Mindswipe

    Galactic Mindswipe Giant Laser Beams

    Near-zero, hmm? And where did this probability come from? The universe is VERY large, as I have said. My dead skeleton will laugh at your face when we discover an element able to withstand a star.
  8. sasquatchjc

    sasquatchjc Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Well we humans can synthesize elements in a lab right? I don't know much about how elements are made, but it could be possible that there is some anomaly in the universe that we haven't discovered yet that may have the ability to just gobble up basic elements and spit something new out. If that's the case, i'm sure these anomalys would be able to suck in the synth. elements that they made and form entirely new ones. Eventually, planets will form with all of these new-found elements and what-not. Technically, they'd be natural occurring, but again it's just a theory.
  9. Bombzero

    Bombzero Giant Laser Beams

    by extrapolating trends on the periodic tables, we hit a "wall" were we could only get higher numbers of protons through artificial means, one, and only one, element was found past this "wall".

    the entire physical composition of atoms seems to point against another one like that.
    The Corrupted [ITA] likes this.
  10. Twiganator

    Twiganator The Count

    i honestly don't think it's dumb but that's what the community thinks.
    As i have been told starbound is real just in the future.

    [​IMG]so wee will see some cats driving robots in the future


    don't forget Dem dungeons built in the ground.

    And i almost forgot Bird people (AKA Avians) [​IMG]

    And pets. because in the future we will be able to tame a great white shark to follow us around and fight for us. and we will have to train it not to eat us when we bleed from battle in the water.
  11. Bombzero

    Bombzero Giant Laser Beams

    This goes back to suspension of disbelief.
    alien races? sure, believable.
    cats driving mechs? silly but its a "fun" aspect causing it to fall back under suspension of disbelief.

    building/moving/swimming on a star? breaks the living hell out of suspension of disbelief.
    lets make a list!

    gravity of a star is enough to pull a planet in an elliptical around it from several light minutes away, it would turn you and your ship into a crushed ball of flesh, blood, metal, and bone if you got close.
    the "escape velocity" for a star would be a staggering speed, considering the escape velocity of earth launched ships. barring a slingshot maneuver that would literally pull your blood out through your skin, you cannot escape a stars gravity well.
    extended exposure to star-level temperatures would cause any material to either melt/burn or in the event of a hypothetical material that can hold those temperatures it would cook you like a potato in tin foil on a grill.

    thats just a few of dozens of examples I can think of.

    perhaps an easier way to explain this would be explaining suspension of disbelief.
    "suspension of disbelief" is pushing what is plausible and realistic through at least semi-solid lore.
    or, alternatively, the complete ignorance of the moments impossibility by the in-character universe, this one doesn't always 'work' though.

    what most people call "suspension of disbelief" is blatant handwaving. signing off major realism issues by going "BUT SCIENCE!" or citing quantum mechanics, antimatter, and other such things that are so lesser known they can easily fake what it actually means.
    The Corrupted [ITA] likes this.
  12. Twiganator

    Twiganator The Count

    cats don't have thumbs they couldn't control a mech. they couldn't sit properly on a mech it would take millions of years of evolution for this to happen.

    i would find swimming on stars a "fun" aspect .

    oh and you didn't mention the part about taming a 20 year old great white shark that you could find swimming in the ocean. but taming pets is a part of this game and i F*%&ing love it. i was just explaining the some things that are confirmed to be in starbound would be very ridiculous in real life. yeah i agree it would be stupid to swim on stars. but it's a game.
  13. Bombzero

    Bombzero Giant Laser Beams

    by "fun" I mean from a comedy aspect.

    also you cannot "swim" on stars, you would be pulled towards the core through the "soupy" gaseous plasma that composes a star.

    all im saying is being able to visit stars will likely breaks suspension of disbelief for anybody with at least a 5th grade science education.
    The Corrupted [ITA] likes this.
  14. Twiganator

    Twiganator The Count

    i added a bit of text to the old post if you care.
  15. MrHiggintop

    MrHiggintop Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Twiganator likes this.
  16. Twiganator

    Twiganator The Count

    thx bud, but everyone hates this idea cuz it's "not possible"
  17. Lachee

    Lachee Existential Complex

    I beg to differ, they are a buring ball of plasma. They are to hot to be gas :proper:
    The Corrupted [ITA] likes this.
  18. Sykes

    Sykes Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Using the "proper" smiley after misspelling "too" is fitting :3 Also, it's not entirely incorrect to call it gas, as plasma is technically a complex form of gas.
    sasquatchjc likes this.
  19. MrHiggintop

    MrHiggintop Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Well maybe if scientist find a very heat resistance substance your dream will come true :D
  20. Dzelda

    Dzelda Parsec Taste Tester

    In Megaman what happens if you jump into the lava in Heat Mans Stage?
    In Mario, what happens when either Bowser or Mario become involved with lava ? (And in stars case when you run into those)
    What has science taught us for 500 years and what has human instinct told us for 50,000 about jumping into volcanoes and staring at the sun too long?

    I do not think it would be good idea to have a swim on the sun.

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