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Successful Risk of Rain executable rebuild

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by HexZyle, May 8, 2014.


What sort of things would you like to see most in Risk of Rain?

  1. File Loader for enemy, item, and player stat modification

  2. Level Editor

  3. I don't care about how difficult it will be, MULTIPLATFORM, PL0X!

  4. Multiplayer-specific content (PvP Additions, Character Colors, etc)

  5. Specific bugfix (please comment)

  6. Other addition (please comment)

  1. SmasherPT

    SmasherPT Tentacle Wrangler

    Hey Great job on making a rebuild of the game. I wonder If you can upload the.gm file, I would like to help. I also own the game and I'm not instrested on cracking or anything else
      Last edited: May 10, 2014
    • joey4track

      joey4track Ketchup Robot

      This is great. Level editor pls!!

      See, if you guys get that out of the way early, the rest of the community can make all sorts of awesome levels while you guys hammer out some more mods ;)
        AngelofSilence likes this.
      • AngelofSilence

        AngelofSilence Void-Bound Voyager

        As I outlined rather clearly before, we will NOT be giving out the .gmk file, nor will we be distributing the entire source.
          Kitty Box and WoxandWarf like this.
        • AngelofSilence

          AngelofSilence Void-Bound Voyager

          We will look into performance upgrades, But it's users such as yourself that make me want to reconsider my decision to announce our progress.
          Just to be clear and I apologise to all of you absolutely wonderful and respectful people for being harsh, but:

          We do not owe you anything. We have made a decision to help the community by making this project publicly known, so if you have an air of self-entitlement, please get rid of it as soon as possible.

          The same goes for the game developers, I've seen far too many people angry/ripping on the devs for infrequent releases and bugs. This is a game they work on in their spare time, and they will update it when they feel like it. If you are unhappy, such as I was, with missing features/bugs, then take it into your own hands. Do NOT constantly pester the devs with inquiries as to when the next release will be and why they havent fixed bug x or added feature y in yet.

          Thank you.
          • AngelofSilence

            AngelofSilence Void-Bound Voyager

            We are currently looking into using Ogmo Level Editor to create ROR levels, but it will require a heavy bit of modification to the way the game handles levels, but we'll see.
            • legoblob

              legoblob Void-Bound Voyager

              I looked at the pole and I dont really think this is any of the categories, maybe the multilayer-specific content, but is there any way to make it so we can alter the graphics? Ive been wanting to customize how the characters/enemies look for a while, but I dont really understand any of this coding stuff. Im not talking for everyone to see in multilayer or anything, this would be a purely client side thing.
                Last edited: May 10, 2014
              • ShadowlessWanderer

                ShadowlessWanderer Pangalactic Porcupine

                Texturepacks basically. The easiest example I can think of is how Minecraft handles it. I can agree with this idea.
                • HexZyle

                  HexZyle Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                  I'm pretty sure that this would be fairly simple to do.
                  Would probably fall into loading external files into the executable, but instead of just stats and numbers, you want graphic files as well. Can do.
                  That actually is what the majority of what modding is. I probably should have made the poll more orientated around that particular answer.
                    AngelofSilence likes this.
                  • Jazter

                    Jazter Industrial Terraformer

                    I'm not sure if that bold sentence was directed at 'people such as myself', but if it was, when did I give you the feeling that I'm entitled to anything? This thread was made asking the community what kind of features they wanted and I gave you one that I would like. You jumped to conclusions on your own about what I was talking about then after I told you that's not what I meant, you responded basically saying how vague I was being. If I were being vague, why jump to conclusions to begin with, then insinuate that I'm feeling self entitled.
                    • ShadowlessWanderer

                      ShadowlessWanderer Pangalactic Porcupine

                      I think he was writing that as a preemptive word to all those people that could come in here rather than directing it at anyone already here. But I can't speak for them.
                      • Jazter

                        Jazter Industrial Terraformer

                        I doubt that, he has a bad attitude right now because he made a mistake.
                        • Ramond

                          Ramond Subatomic Cosmonaut

                          Could you guys please keep it down in this thread, and either move this discussion to PMs or just forget this misunderstanding happened altogether, we're all trying to make the best out of this opportunity here ;)

                          Apart from what Burby already mentioned (what the devs would think about this), really nice work! I definitely would like to see users being able to modify content (primarily), stats editing, level editing (<-- obligatory! :D ), graphics, perhaps even adding new content. Obviously implementing all this sounds like a fair share of work, especially if this is only done on a voluntary basis, so really, kudos to you guys in advance for making anything happen at all. ;)
                          Some more multiplayer options would be classy as well but I personally don't deem those as important as the modding aspect.
                            AngelofSilence, HexZyle and gamerzap like this.
                          • legoblob

                            legoblob Void-Bound Voyager

                            Actually, youve been quite rude.
                            Awesome, Ill look forward to it
                              AngelofSilence likes this.
                            • Jazter

                              Jazter Industrial Terraformer

                              When and how?
                              • gamerzap

                                gamerzap Orbital Explorer

                                I know you aren't going to distribute the source in any thing, but could you give some kind of hint as to how you got it working or why it wasn't working? It is interesting.
                                • HexZyle

                                  HexZyle Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                  We rolled the GMK back to GM8, due to 8.1 being buggy in some respects. That fixed most the bugs except an issue with precision collision of terrain blocks which was fixed with a bit of tweaking of the terrain's collision mask. You'll have to ask Angel for the details. I pinpointed the source of the issues but he did a lot of the work resolving them.
                                  • SmasherPT

                                    SmasherPT Tentacle Wrangler

                                    The game ran fine with 8.0? Without much code modification?

                                    I can run the game with Gm 8.1 but not with 8.0. Everything is really buggy, mouse not working, keyboard not working, menus not loading properly, scale is bad. Did u guys had any of this issues?
                                      Last edited: May 11, 2014
                                      AngelofSilence likes this.
                                    • AngelofSilence

                                      AngelofSilence Void-Bound Voyager

                                      Not in the slightest. Running it out of GM8 stock, we had all menus functioning, but clicking the play button would result in an infinite hang due to messed up code in oDirectorControl, where it places the spawn point and the teleporters. It took a bit of work and it's technically not the exact prod way of generating the spawn area and teleporters, but it works, and I feel it adds more variety to the map :p It took us about a week of code modification to get the game to actually run. The biggest problem we had was with Steam. In oInit you need to set the steam var equal to 0 and comment out any reference you see to steam_init or steam_achievements, as those for some reason break the game.
                                      • AngelofSilence

                                        AngelofSilence Void-Bound Voyager

                                        As far as multiplayer features go, I'm working on a rather fun mode ;P
                                        Player teams determine what deal damage to what, for example, all players when they're created have the team of "player"
                                        By changing that team to your name and having your bullets hit anyone with a team variable that is not player or your name, you now have PvP.
                                        I tested this with enemies, changed my team var to enemy, no enemies could hit me, and any items that deal direct damage to enemies damaged me as well.
                                        • SmasherPT

                                          SmasherPT Tentacle Wrangler

                                          I guess my gm version of the game is broken but that doesn't make much sense, did u convert the game (to 8.0) using a tool created by YellowAfterLife?

                                          This is what the menu looks like :(

                                            Last edited: May 12, 2014

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