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Strange Lags

Discussion in 'Support' started by Olyrus, Feb 7, 2019.

  1. Olyrus

    Olyrus Space Hobo

    Hi there, first of all, sorry for my english, i am a french student and it's the first time i post something on an english forum.

    I am here because i have some troubles with the game.

    When i donwload it, all was perfect (i loved Advance Wars and i love this game to)

    But now the sound still great, but there is big lags on the images and thats not cumfortable to play, so i tried to uninstall the game then re-install it (multiple times), but that doesn't fixed it.

    So i'd be glad if you can help me,

    thank you in advance.
    • Olyrus

      Olyrus Space Hobo

      I'm sorry
      The game works well now,

      I have no answer to what happened to me, I just played another game for an hour, then to show how Wargroove lags on my computer to a friend of mine, I launched it, and by magic, he decided to work properly.

      my apologies for the inconvenience, thanks anyway.

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