
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Heliros, Jul 29, 2014.

  1. Heliros

    Heliros Void-Bound Voyager

    First of all, wonderful game! I enjoyed every second of it and it became quite intense at times.

    Now, my question is: are you planning to make a sequel? I feel that there is alot that remains unsaid about the characters, and I'd very much like to engross myself into the world that you've created. Throughout the game you were very stringy with every bit of information, and while it fits the theme of the game well it leaves me wanting for more exposition! Things like Nie's real story, why the whole A-B-C citizen class system is in place, what colony the ship is heading towards, what the good doctor really was doing on the ship...
    • Seminus

      Seminus Halfway Developer Developer

      Thanks :)
      Glad you liked it.

      We do have a lot of story we want to tell in this universe but currently we are focusing on getting mod support done and most of the issues fixed.

      If and when we are going to do a sequel or something else is something to look at a bit later and it also depends on some other factors. :)
      • Nepomuk

        Nepomuk Space Hobo

        I’d like to chirp in here and add a suggestion that came to my mind yesterday when I was sitting in front of my computer and was just listening to the Halfway menu theme. I didn’t even start to play; I just sat there and listened to the music.

        It would be great if you guys offer the soundtrack for the game in high quality (FLAC). Maybe you could offer a bundle, including both, the game and the soundtrack.
        • Seminus

          Seminus Halfway Developer Developer

          Gavin Harrison, the guy who made the awesome soundtrack, is currently working like crazy on the OST. We hope to release it very soon.
          I got some teasers today and it was perfect :)
          • Nepomuk

            Nepomuk Space Hobo

            Perfect! You have a buyer already eagerly waiting.

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