RELEASED [Storm] Handsome Matt's Mods (Junimo Deposit Anywhere, Calendar Anywhere, Durable Fences) (Moved)

Discussion in 'Gameplay Mechanics' started by Handsome Matt, Mar 1, 2016.

  1. Handsome Matt

    Handsome Matt Aquatic Astronaut

    Last edited: Mar 12, 2016
    Edge!, lgorakoj, curi0 and 14 others like this.
  2. cantorsdust

    cantorsdust Existential Complex

    Very nice! Any chance you could post your source code somewhere? I learn much easier if I have examples in front of me.
    • Handsome Matt

      Handsome Matt Aquatic Astronaut

      * see op *

      should really be a requirement to include source code with releases, maybe when we have a more dedicated section that could happen.
        Last edited: Mar 1, 2016
        jivex5k and cantorsdust like this.
      • animandan

        animandan Void-Bound Voyager

        Noice. I actually was just thinking about this when I stumbled across the tab that lets you look at the bundles in the inventory.
        • Zoryn4163

          Zoryn4163 Big Damn Hero

          I believe you can directly interface with activeClickableMenu because it's public static - you don't have to go through reflection, but I do like that someone has used my API. :)
          • Handsome Matt

            Handsome Matt Aquatic Astronaut

            Yeah just copied your fishing example, I'll tidy it up later. Sadly I have to use reflection for the bundle list since they're private :(
            • Handsome Matt

              Handsome Matt Aquatic Astronaut

              Added two more mods, Calendar Anywhere & Durable Fences and added the source code to GitHub. Let me know if you guys have any other suggestions.
                Last edited: Mar 1, 2016
              • Xren

                Xren Pangalactic Porcupine

                hey thanks man, can we modify the fence decay rate? I wan't my fence to decay but slowly.
                • rapinii

                  rapinii Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                  So cool! Good job, that's amazing and so quick haha. I can't wait to see the modding community develop. I have a request, I don't know if you have time for it. Do you think you could make a different flavor of the fence one where wooden fences DO break, but at the same rate as stone/hardwood fences? Not breaking at all feels cheaty to me, but wood ones also break way too fast, especially since they look great and it's just, ugh lol.
                  • Khaosius

                    Khaosius Cosmic Narwhal

                    Where do we get StardewModdingAPI.exe
                    • Xren

                      Xren Pangalactic Porcupine

                    • Khaosius

                      Khaosius Cosmic Narwhal

                      Aaand it just crashes.
                      • Handsome Matt

                        Handsome Matt Aquatic Astronaut

                        Be more specific, is it a certain mod? Or the modding api itself with no mods?
                        • Handsome Matt

                          Handsome Matt Aquatic Astronaut

                          That was my original plan but it turned out to be a lot easier to just make them all invulnerable, I could probably do this with some changes to the API however. (So it might take a couple of days)
                          • Khaosius

                            Khaosius Cosmic Narwhal


                              Attached Files:

                            • Handsome Matt

                              Handsome Matt Aquatic Astronaut

                              Ah I see, right click the DLL file -> Properties and you should see something like "Unblock" press that and it should work. I'll patch the API to load these anyway though so you won't have to do this everytime.
                              • Khaosius

                                Khaosius Cosmic Narwhal

                                I am in awe of your modding genius. Works.
                                  Handsome Matt likes this.
                                • Zoryn4163

                                  Zoryn4163 Big Damn Hero

                                  I can see about adding that to the API when I get home so that it's there in V0.3
                                  • cantorsdust

                                    cantorsdust Existential Complex

                                    So long as we're getting requests in, maybe you can do what I failed to do with XNB modding and address seasons? I have an All Crops All Seasons mod that edits the crop data to be plantable in every season. It seems to work well spring through fall, but come winter, my crops are still all wiped out. I can hoe a plot and plant seeds, water them, etc, but they are completely gone the next day. Likewise, I have an All Fish All Seasons All Times All Weathers mod that works just fine on time and weather, but fish still only appear in their proper season. Anything to be done about that?

                                    Just requests, but I would love it if XNB modding were made as obsolete as possible as quickly as possible. It's annoying, it overwrites base game files, and it doesn't allow two people to work on the same file at once.
                                    • Handsome Matt

                                      Handsome Matt Aquatic Astronaut

                                      I have no idea what an XNB file is right now, I have to look into all of that stuff still. Crops dying at Winter is all in the code though, should be able to mod that out though so I'll give it a shot.

                                      Will look into methods of extending XNB files so we don't have to overwrite base files etc.. Better we sort all this stuff out early on.
                                        Last edited: Mar 1, 2016

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