Steampowered Head-Gear

Discussion in 'Create-A-Hat' started by The Corrupted [ITA], Nov 21, 2012.


do you want this in game? DO YOU?

  1. YES!

  2. Nope.

  1. The Corrupted [ITA]

    The Corrupted [ITA] Big Damn Hero

    Here it is! from a planet made of coal, iron and brass, a lone hero finds his way in the world of technology and clockwork!
    he struggles to build his machines, but he never (EVAR) runs out of ideas, thanks to the wonderful Steampowered Head-Gear!
    Steampowered Head-gear.png

    Steampowered Head-gear 2.png

    Custom complete set "the Geartown Survivor"!
    Steampowered Head-gear 3.png
    Thanks everyone, and obviusly, Thanks Ms paint!

    EDIT: As suggested by YoungUnicorn, i added a "monocule" ... thing. Simple and neat, i hope :D

    Steampowered Head-gear 3.png

    And the hat itself...

    Steampowered Head-gear 3 big.png
    Luci, Cellbind, Aeronaut and 12 others like this.
  2. Try and see if you can resize the pictures.
    They're really small.
    The Corrupted [ITA] likes this.
  3. The Corrupted [ITA]

    The Corrupted [ITA] Big Damn Hero

    done! :D Steampowered Head-gear 4.png
    Seb likes this.
  4. Seb

    Seb Phantasmal Quasar

    I love it.
    The Corrupted [ITA] likes this.
  5. The Corrupted [ITA]

    The Corrupted [ITA] Big Damn Hero

    Thanks! :D
  6. Nymz

    Nymz Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    How about an edit that has an arm extending from the side of the hat, holding a magnifying glass/monocle over the wearers eye?
    Just a suggestion. :whoop:
    The Corrupted [ITA] likes this.
  7. The Corrupted [ITA]

    The Corrupted [ITA] Big Damn Hero

    :cookie::cookie::cookie: for you! wait, are we allowed to modify the sprites after posting them?
    YoungUnicorn likes this.
  8. Quisani

    Quisani Void-Bound Voyager

    Yes. We are allowed to modify them until Dec. 3
    The Corrupted [ITA] likes this.

    HIVEMIND Aquatic Astronaut

    I'd say, we both have excellent taste in monocles.
    The Corrupted [ITA] likes this.

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