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RELEASED Steambound Reloaded 1.0

Industrially-themed technical mod with a focus on automation & customization

  1. Galacticruler

    Galacticruler Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I have not tested either version, but I would like to put forward a suggestion: chrome or non-rusted/copper pipes? if I'm not mistaken wouldn't it be a simple hue shift?
  2. Silverforte

    Silverforte Spaceman Spiff

    Just tested nonsteam version. Works fine. Good job.
  3. Lefl

    Lefl Phantasmal Quasar

    Would it be possible to increase the range it scans for containers? its a bit small, but other than that its great.
  4. TP_

    TP_ Title Not Found

    Not sure what you mean...
    Everything scans the entire pipe network. So all containers connected with pipes.
  5. Lefl

    Lefl Phantasmal Quasar

    Mmmh when im higher than the containers when i acces the Terminal no items are shown. When i connect a Router, it shows the whole pipe network but without the containers which are too far away from me
  6. LoneSlider

    LoneSlider Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Checked. It does not save the state of input and output. Chose, flew to the ship / save the game, come back. Everything is clear. I make a copy of the game deleted all mods, characters, universe. I created a new one. All the same.
  7. LoneSlider

    LoneSlider Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Game "not see" nothing, if range more than ~220 blocks.
  8. TP_

    TP_ Title Not Found

    Ohh yeah thats an old problem... not really sure if anybody can fix that. Anything further away from all players is simply not loaded by the engine.

    That might be a problem with entity IDs. I'll look into it.
  9. UrFrenchNeighbor

    UrFrenchNeighbor Intergalactic Tourist

    It might have been said before but on the steam version, the routers seem to forget settings if you go off planet or if you leave the game. They also seem to forget only part of their settings if you go too far from them, for exemple they might forget only their output or only their input
  10. seriosman

    seriosman Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    i never go use the mod why i not use the starbound original :cry:
  11. Vegetable Lamb

    Vegetable Lamb Existential Complex

    Have you touch the wired doors? I'm trying to figure out which mod is causing this monstrous error.
    [08:43:36.512] [Error] Exception while calling script init: (LuaException) Error code 2, [string "/objects/wired/door/door.lua"]:63: (OutOfRangeException) out of range list::at(0)
    [0] 7ff79cbc1ee3 Star::captureStack
    [1] 7ff79cbc0c6e Star::StarException::StarException
    [2] 7ff79ce12b4a Star::RandomAccessListMixin<Star::ListMixin<std::vector<Star::Object::InputNode,std::allocator<Star::Object::InputNode> > > >::at
    [3] 7ff79ce0cde7 <lambda_d3355a859bce146c902e252ac8ff6b25>::operator()
    [4] 7ff79cdfd4ff std::_Invoker_functor::_Call<<lambda_d3355a859bce146c902e252ac8ff6b25> & __ptr64,Star::LuaEngine & __ptr64,unsigned __int64,Star::Variant<Star::Empty,bool,__int64,double,Star::String,Star::LuaTable,Star::LuaFunction,Star::LuaThread,Star::LuaUserData> * __ptr64>
    [5] 7ff79ce00be0 std::invoke<<lambda_d3355a859bce146c902e252ac8ff6b25> & __ptr64,Star::LuaEngine & __ptr64,unsigned __int64,Star::Variant<Star::Empty,bool,__int64,double,Star::String,Star::LuaTable,Star::LuaFunction,Star::LuaThread,Star::LuaUserData> * __ptr64>
    [6] 7ff79cdfec09 std::_Invoke_ret<Star::Variant<Star::Variant<Star::Empty,bool,__int64,double,Star::String,Star::LuaTable,Star::LuaFunction,Star::LuaThread,Star::LuaUserData>,Star::LuaVariadic<Star::Variant<Star::Empty,bool,__int64,double,Star::String,Star::LuaTable,Star::LuaFunction,Star::LuaThread,Star::LuaUserData> > >,<lambda_d3355a859bce146c902e252ac8ff6b25> & __ptr64,Star::LuaEngine & __ptr64,unsigned __int64,Star::Variant<Star::Empty,bool,__int64,double,Star::String,Star::LuaTable,Star::LuaFunction,Star::LuaThread,Star::LuaUserData> * __ptr64>
    [7] 7ff79ce0f2fb std::_Func_impl<<lambda_d3355a859bce146c902e252ac8ff6b25>,std::allocator<int>,Star::Variant<Star::Variant<Star::Empty,bool,__int64,double,Star::String,Star::LuaTable,Star::LuaFunction,Star::LuaThread,Star::LuaUserData>,Star::LuaVariadic<Star::Variant<Star::Empty,bool,__int64,double,Star::String,Star::LuaTable,Star::LuaFunction,Star::LuaThread,Star::LuaUserData> > >,Star::LuaEngine & __ptr64,unsigned __int64,Star::Variant<Star::Empty,bool,__int64,double,Star::String,Star::LuaTable,Star::LuaFunction,Star::LuaThread,Star::LuaUserData> * __ptr64>::_Do_call
    [8] 7ff79cb904bd std::_Func_class<Star::Variant<Star::Variant<Star::Empty,bool,__int64,double,Star::String,Star::LuaTable,Star::LuaFunction,Star::LuaThread,Star::LuaUserData>,Star::LuaVariadic<Star::Variant<Star::Empty,bool,__int64,double,Star::String,Star::LuaTable,Star::LuaFunction,Star::LuaThread,Star::LuaUserData> > >,Star::LuaEngine & __ptr64,unsigned __int64,Star::Variant<Star::Empty,bool,__int64,double,Star::String,Star::LuaTable,Star::LuaFunction,Star::LuaThread,Star::LuaUserData> * __ptr64>::operator()
    [9] 7ff79cb8f554 <lambda_a03bcae4599b53751a446949639a4d5e>::operator()
    [10] 7ff79cb1a798 luaD_precall
    [11] 7ff79cb33541 luaV_execute
    [12] 7ff79cb1a2a3 luaD_call
    [13] 7ff79cb1aa7b luaD_rawrunprotected
    [14] 7ff79cb1a4b0 luaD_pcall
    [15] 7ff79cb109d4 lua_pcallk
    [16] 7ff79cb97530 Star::LuaEngine::pcallWithTraceback
    [17] 7ff79cd49844 Star::LuaEngine::callFunction<>
    [18] 7ff79cd4c6b1 Star::LuaFunction::invoke<Star::Variant<Star::Empty,bool,__int64,double,Star::String,Star::LuaTable,Star::LuaFunction,Star::LuaThread,Star::LuaUserData> >
    [19] 7ff79d17e793 Star::LuaContext::invokePath<Star::Variant<Star::Empty,bool,__int64,double,Star::String,Star::LuaTable,Star::LuaFunction,Star::LuaThread,Star::LuaUserData> >
    [20] 7ff79d180227 Star::LuaBaseComponent::init
    [21] 7ff79ce1773a Star::Object::init
    [22] 7ff79d08bd2a Star::WorldGenerator::initEntity
    [23] 7ff79d0fe3cc Star::WorldStorage::loadSectorToLevel
    [24] 7ff79d0fcf28 Star::WorldStorage::generateSectorToLevel
    [25] 7ff79d0fbff4 Star::WorldStorage::activateSector
    [26] 7ff79d0e1869 Star::WorldServer::generateRegion
    [27] 7ff79d0e4ad1 Star::WorldServer::init
    [28] 7ff79d0cc207 Star::WorldServer::WorldServer
    [29] 7ff79d00a260 std::make_shared<Star::WorldServer,Star::MapMixin<std::unordered_map<Star::ByteArray,Star::Maybe<Star::ByteArray>,Star::hash<Star::ByteArray,void>,std::equal_to<Star::ByteArray>,std::allocator<std::pair<Star::ByteArray const ,Star::Maybe<Star::ByteArray> > > > > & __ptr64>
    [30] 7ff79d010643 <lambda_3181668bcbf42bd78bdea7e825c3ded3>::operator()
    [31] 7ff79d00103f std::_Invoker_functor::_Call<<lambda_3181668bcbf42bd78bdea7e825c3ded3> & __ptr64>
    [32] 7ff79d007026 std::invoke<<lambda_3181668bcbf42bd78bdea7e825c3ded3> & __ptr64>
    [33] 7ff79d0033e9 std::_Invoke_ret<std::shared_ptr<Star::WorldServerThread>,<lambda_3181668bcbf42bd78bdea7e825c3ded3> & __ptr64>
    [34] 7ff79d015d36 std::_Func_impl<<lambda_3181668bcbf42bd78bdea7e825c3ded3>,std::allocator<int>,std::shared_ptr<Star::WorldServerThread> >::_Do_call
    [35] 7ff79cf1f6f7 std::_Func_class<std::shared_ptr<Star::DanceDatabase> >::operator()
    [36] 7ff79d012942 <lambda_770d99c769b4950d94783c330804382d>::operator()
    [37] 7ff79cbb9ae2 Star::WorkerPool::WorkerThread::run
    [38] 7ff79cbbea0e Star::ThreadImpl::runThread
    [39] 7ff8f40b8102 BaseThreadInitThunk
    [40] 7ff8f440c5b4 RtlUserThreadStart
    stack traceback:
       [C]: in ?
       [C]: in field 'isInputNodeConnected'
       [string "/objects/wired/door/door.lua"]:63: in global 'updateInteractive'
       [string "/objects/wired/door/door.lua"]:147: in global 'closeDoor'
       [string "/objects/wired/door/door.lua"]:12: in function <[string "/objects/wired/door/door.lua"]:1>
    [0] 7ff79cbc1ee3 Star::captureStack
    [1] 7ff79cbc0c6e Star::StarException::StarException
    [2] 7ff79cb960a1 Star::LuaEngine::handleError
    [3] 7ff79cd4985d Star::LuaEngine::callFunction<>
    [4] 7ff79cd4c6b1 Star::LuaFunction::invoke<Star::Variant<Star::Empty,bool,__int64,double,Star::String,Star::LuaTable,Star::LuaFunction,Star::LuaThread,Star::LuaUserData> >
    [5] 7ff79d17e793 Star::LuaContext::invokePath<Star::Variant<Star::Empty,bool,__int64,double,Star::String,Star::LuaTable,Star::LuaFunction,Star::LuaThread,Star::LuaUserData> >
    [6] 7ff79d180227 Star::LuaBaseComponent::init
    [7] 7ff79ce1773a Star::Object::init
    [8] 7ff79d08bd2a Star::WorldGenerator::initEntity
    [9] 7ff79d0fe3cc Star::WorldStorage::loadSectorToLevel
    [10] 7ff79d0fcf28 Star::WorldStorage::generateSectorToLevel
    [11] 7ff79d0fbff4 Star::WorldStorage::activateSector
    [12] 7ff79d0e1869 Star::WorldServer::generateRegion
    [13] 7ff79d0e4ad1 Star::WorldServer::init
    [14] 7ff79d0cc207 Star::WorldServer::WorldServer
    [15] 7ff79d00a260 std::make_shared<Star::WorldServer,Star::MapMixin<std::unordered_map<Star::ByteArray,Star::Maybe<Star::ByteArray>,Star::hash<Star::ByteArray,void>,std::equal_to<Star::ByteArray>,std::allocator<std::pair<Star::ByteArray const ,Star::Maybe<Star::ByteArray> > > > > & __ptr64>
    [16] 7ff79d010643 <lambda_3181668bcbf42bd78bdea7e825c3ded3>::operator()
    [17] 7ff79d00103f std::_Invoker_functor::_Call<<lambda_3181668bcbf42bd78bdea7e825c3ded3> & __ptr64>
    [18] 7ff79d007026 std::invoke<<lambda_3181668bcbf42bd78bdea7e825c3ded3> & __ptr64>
    [19] 7ff79d0033e9 std::_Invoke_ret<std::shared_ptr<Star::WorldServerThread>,<lambda_3181668bcbf42bd78bdea7e825c3ded3> & __ptr64>
    [20] 7ff79d015d36 std::_Func_impl<<lambda_3181668bcbf42bd78bdea7e825c3ded3>,std::allocator<int>,std::shared_ptr<Star::WorldServerThread> >::_Do_call
    [21] 7ff79cf1f6f7 std::_Func_class<std::shared_ptr<Star::DanceDatabase> >::operator()
    [22] 7ff79d012942 <lambda_770d99c769b4950d94783c330804382d>::operator()
    [23] 7ff79cbb9ae2 Star::WorkerPool::WorkerThread::run
    [24] 7ff79cbbea0e Star::ThreadImpl::runThread
    [25] 7ff8f40b8102 BaseThreadInitThunk
    [26] 7ff8f440c5b4 RtlUserThreadStart
  12. TP_

    TP_ Title Not Found

    Nope have not touched the doors in any way.
    I dont even interact with them because they are not containers.
  13. jimpa1986

    jimpa1986 Intergalactic Tourist

    How's it going with the routers that forgets their configuration? Because the mod is awesome, otherwise. It's just that one flaw. :/
  14. kolbosa

    kolbosa Void-Bound Voyager

    I was get a virus when I tried to find non steam version. pls add link to descrition to help others avoid same mistakes
  15. kolbosa

    kolbosa Void-Bound Voyager

    Really good mod)
  16. TOFUFreak

    TOFUFreak Void-Bound Voyager

    I kinda like this mod, been waiting for a mod like this for *some* time... Only improvement I can think of at the moment is the possibility to request a certain amount of items from the Terminal (I don't want to resort every chest only because I pulled whole stacks out of it - and yes, I still care about sorting, even if I don't need it ^^)
  17. Mooncalf99

    Mooncalf99 Spaceman Spiff

    Could I please have some kind of guide or tutorial for how to use the router? The interface is really impressive, but I don't really get the full scope of it. Nothing elaborate, just an explanation of the various functions, and some quick guides to basic useful setups.

    What I would like to make is a basic sorting system, i.e. I put blocks into a box or chute and they go to the connected box that has the same block.

    Interesting detail: I left the quarry on for a while, and it reached low enough that when I stood at the bottom, the drill arm was out of bounds and didn't show. It still drilled away, though!
  18. Mooncalf99

    Mooncalf99 Spaceman Spiff

    I'm seconding the router issue. They would be absolutely great for one of my projects (an extensive farm tended to by gardenbots; they leave the produce in boxes and I'd like to have it automatically piped to a central container). But if the routers lose their settings the moment I go away, there's no point using them.
  19. kolbosa

    kolbosa Void-Bound Voyager

    Update non steam version please, it have sapling problem
    Corax likes this.
  20. NonBritGit

    NonBritGit Cosmic Narwhal

    This mod is in desperate need of a nicely detailed video setup tutorial. I'd make one myself, but I have no idea how to set this mod up and use it in the first place. A pic or gif here or there won't do, since this is a complicated mod.

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