Starting a new universe?

Discussion in 'Starbound FAQs, Q&A, and General Help' started by Rose756, Aug 26, 2015.

  1. Rose756

    Rose756 Guest

    Hey everyone,

    Since the release of Pleased Giraffe I'd like to start a new universe, but keep my beloved character. Is there any safe way to do this with the new update? I've seen this asked for previous versions of the game, but I just want to make sure it's ok for the new update before I go deleting any game files.

    Thanks in advance!
  2. Varixai

    Varixai Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Best Answer
    Anything you delete in your universe folder will only affect the planets that you have been to, not your characters or ships. (they should be fine, there are a few unrelated bugs that will be hotfixed shortly)

    If you would like to keep any of your planets, here are the steps for that.
    Rose756 likes this.
  3. Rose756

    Rose756 Guest

    Awesome, thanks!
  4. Gilboard

    Gilboard Orbital Explorer

    I'm pretty sure that every character has his own universe, something like Minecraft.
  5. lazarus78

    lazarus78 The Waste of Time

    Nope. All use the same universe, but (now) have random starting planets.

    The universe is 2,000,000,000 by 2,000,000,000 "units" in size, with about ~20 Quintillion stars. You are all in the same universe, but running into one another is highly unlikely. If you know the coordinates of another system from another character, you can go there and see what was built.
  6. Kashmir

    Kashmir Giant Laser Beams

    But only on multiplayer since the universe file is stored on individual computers. Unless you're talking about villages, temples or such. OK, I'll shut up now and get more coffee.
  7. lazarus78

    lazarus78 The Waste of Time

    More accurately, each computer has its own universe. Any characters you use on that computer, single or multiplayer, will share the universe of that computer.

    Hope Im not just confusing you more :rofl:
  8. Gilboard

    Gilboard Orbital Explorer

    Pretty much the same as each character has its one universe, with a chance of 1:2030 to visit already visited planet.

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