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RELEASED Starry's Music Mod V. 2.9.0

Music that I obtained over about a year.

  1. Starrypop

    Starrypop Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Starrypop submitted a new mod:

    Starry's Music Mod - Music that I obtained over about a year.

    Read more about this mod...
  2. KWVance

    KWVance Subatomic Cosmonaut

    does anyone know of a mod item which would have the ability to play multiple songs simultaneously, so you could select a song for the violin a piano etc.. basically a one man band tool.....cuz I would really like to do the song Ezio's family, but...yea... too beautiful to synthesize with one instrument.
  3. Starrypop

    Starrypop Subatomic Cosmonaut

  4. Starrypop

    Starrypop Subatomic Cosmonaut

  5. gray_edge

    gray_edge Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    ever think of adding mlp music?
  6. DiggleDugger

    DiggleDugger Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    So much love for Mother 3, can you direct some towards the only one the west has legitimately seen? Mother 1 and 3 are fantastic in their own ways, but I grew up playing Earthbound. Few suggestions, the drugstore theme, the magicant theme, and most importantly the Sky Runner song; how was that one not in the original list?
  7. River King

    River King Big Damn Hero

    Well time to chase people around while playing attack on titan's opening.:viking:
  8. Starrypop

    Starrypop Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I have the drugstore theme, its under "Buy somethin will ya?"

    And besides, there's a lot of music for Mother 3 because i've been replaying it lately, so the music is fresh in my mind, while Earthbound I haven't played since like, September
    DiggleDugger likes this.
  9. DiggleDugger

    DiggleDugger Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I tried to proof my list before I posted it. Somehow the drugstore theme slipped through.
    Guess I really need to play through 3 like I have 1 and 2. Fanmade 4 is looking near completion so that would likely make sense.
  10. Starrypop

    Starrypop Subatomic Cosmonaut

    3 is honestly my favorite, but this is a thread about Starbound
  11. DiggleDugger

    DiggleDugger Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    This is true and we kind of got off the main topic, but not really. Talking about Mother music in Starbound and why you have a lot more of 3 in than 2. Not complaining, as this is an excellent mod. Keep it up!
  12. Starrypop

    Starrypop Subatomic Cosmonaut

  13. Zalgo the GodEater

    Zalgo the GodEater Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    For some reason, I can't find any of the Steven Universe songs you listen. I even looked through the mod folder, but they're not there.
  14. Starrypop

    Starrypop Subatomic Cosmonaut

    You have to make sure to download the mod from the link in the post, because for some reason the mod doesnt actually update for whatever reason
    Zalgo the GodEater likes this.
  15. Starrypop

    Starrypop Subatomic Cosmonaut

  16. Lt. Chapwisely

    Lt. Chapwisely Void-Bound Voyager

    Quick question, are these all regular songs that play randomly throughout the game, or songs that you play on the in-game instruments?
  17. Starrypop

    Starrypop Subatomic Cosmonaut

    You play them with the instruments

    Honestly hearing the songs in game would be terrible. Imagine beaming down to a planet to hear nothing but Crazy Bus
    Lt. Chapwisely likes this.
  18. Lt. Chapwisely

    Lt. Chapwisely Void-Bound Voyager


    Wow, that's a lot of songs. Even better, a lot of good songs.
  19. Starrypop

    Starrypop Subatomic Cosmonaut

  20. Starrypop

    Starrypop Subatomic Cosmonaut

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