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Server Discussion StarryPy - A plugin driven server wrapper written in Python.

Discussion in 'Multiplayer' started by Carrots Are Mediocre, Jan 29, 2014.

  1. Usiemon

    Usiemon Cosmic Narwhal

    To enable the query, edit your starbound.config as:
      "runQueryServer" : true
    Then server trackers will be able to report your server's user counts.

    For the restart script, I personally use:
    sudo systemctl restart (service name of Starbound server)
    To use the script above, you need to make a Systemd service for Starbound server first.

    There should be many ways to restart a Starbound server, depending on how you are running it. For example,
    1. Use a third party utility such as Linux Game Server Managers
    2. Make a Systemd/Upstart/etc service and set it to restart if crashed
    3. Write Unix shell scripts and use cron
    With more details, I'm sure more knowledgeable server owners could give you a guide.

    Happy hosting!
  2. pandee

    pandee Big Damn Hero

    Thanks, its working now. for some reason i had to edit the file again when it suddenly had root permissions.

    Do you happen to know a relay application so i can stream Starbound console to staff?

    And is it possible to make sub users for the webgui?

    And I'm having issues with users unable to log in for extended periods of time if they disconnect.
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2016
  3. RebelArms

    RebelArms Void-Bound Voyager

    Any news on whether this works with 1.0 ?
  4. mattmonkey24

    mattmonkey24 Void-Bound Voyager

    I'd also love to know if this is still being worked on and fixed?

    And also do most people use StarryPy or StarryPy3k?

    Edit: Looking in StarrPy3k I see there was a commit stating that work has begun to get this updated for 1.0.. Hopefully it comes along nicely. This is practically the only server wrapper; there is PenGUIn which looks nice but it needs Windows .Net Framework and it also needs a desktop environment which are both useless to me, not to mention the closed source nature of PenGUIn

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