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Server Discussion StarryPy - A plugin driven server wrapper written in Python.

Discussion in 'Multiplayer' started by Carrots Are Mediocre, Jan 29, 2014.

  1. Carrots Are Mediocre

    Carrots Are Mediocre Zero Gravity Genie

    As it says in the installation instructions, you need to use Python 2.7 and not Python 3. I just posted installation instructions for windows, I recommend you follow them.

    Sadly the game internally uses a more complicated format for planets. It's not possible for us to derive full coordinates. You can get coordinates via a /whois, but shortened coordinates are a no-go at the moment. I hope to get back to you with better news at some point.
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2014
  2. Indulgentu

    Indulgentu Aquatic Astronaut

    Ok, I got past that problem now but a new one poped up..
    When trying to connect to the server I get this error:
    And the server console is being spammed with this:
    Any ideas on that? :<

    My client is running Furious Koala..

    EDIT: Those are the contents of my debug.txt

    2014-01-29 21:51:56,048 - starrypy - INFO - Created StarryPyServerProtocol with UUID 1320ace516734bd0a296db0da784e217
    2014-01-29 21:51:56,049 - starrypy - DEBUG - Connection made in StarryPyServerProtocol with UUID 1320ace516734bd0a296db0da784e217
    2014-01-29 21:51:56,049 - starrypy - DEBUG - Client protocol instantiated.
    plzt likes this.
  3. plzt

    plzt Seal Broken

    This is a variant on what I'm getting
  4. Carrots Are Mediocre

    Carrots Are Mediocre Zero Gravity Genie

    That will happen if you set the server port in config.json to 21025. You don't want it to be 21025, because then StarryPy will try to connect to itself. You need to set it to the Starbound port, which you (hopefully) set to something different.
  5. plzt

    plzt Seal Broken

    I will triple check. Both starbound.config and config.json currently are set to 21024 I believe
  6. Carrots Are Mediocre

    Carrots Are Mediocre Zero Gravity Genie

    If you are still having problems after checking, please post your config.json and starbound.config with identifying information removed.
  7. Djet

    Djet Sandwich Man

    what is it? I probably blunt, or I have too bad with the English, but could you just make a video Hyde, I think this will help understanding the steps to install such stupid people like me ). Thank you.
  8. Carrots Are Mediocre

    Carrots Are Mediocre Zero Gravity Genie

    I can make a video later, but not at the moment. All it means is you type that into the command window and it will install the requirements.
  9. Djet

    Djet Sandwich Man

    you can at least screenshot command line)
  10. Indulgentu

    Indulgentu Aquatic Astronaut

    Now I am getting this:
    Without any output from the server. I am using 21024 in both my client and server configs.. help?
  11. plzt

    plzt Seal Broken

    Try using your actual LAN IP there, I've found it's sometimes funny with localhost/127.....
  12. Carrots Are Mediocre

    Carrots Are Mediocre Zero Gravity Genie

    You need a different port number for your client, specifically 21025. If you're running them off of the same configuration file, it will try to use the same port for both. Try connecting directly to localhost:21025 as the server address in the Starbound client. Also, it appears your server isn't running on 21024 as it would connect to that.
  13. Djet

    Djet Sandwich Man

    I write this: pypm install-r requirements.txt at the command prompt, and I answer: "pypm" is not an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
  14. Carrots Are Mediocre

    Carrots Are Mediocre Zero Gravity Genie

    Did you install ActiveState python? Because that should make the command available.
  15. Djet

    Djet Sandwich Man

    In General, I was not raised by the Python, now all that's like on the screenshot:
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2014
  16. Indulgentu

    Indulgentu Aquatic Astronaut

    same error as before now, but this time it didn't spam the console.. but still, why..
    Client configs:
      "allowAdminCommands" : true,
      "allowAdminCommandsFromAnyone" : true,
      "attemptAuthentication" : false,
      "audioChannelSeparation" : [ -25, 25 ],
      "audioChannels" : 2,
      "authHostname" : "auth.playstarbound.com",
      "authPort" : 21027,
      "bcryptRounds" : 5000,
      "bind" : "*",
      "checkAssetsDigest" : false,
      "claimFile" : "indev.claim",
      "clearPlayerFiles" : false,
      "clearUniverseFiles" : false,
      "controlPort" : 21026,
      "crafting.filterHaveMaterials" : false,
      "defaultWorldCoordinate" : "alpha:-84936662:-62554636:-13754701:6:12",
      "fullscreen" : false,
      "fullscreenResolution" : [ 1920, 1080 ],
      "gamePort" : 21024,
      "maxFrameskip" : 10,
      "maxPlayers" : 8,
      "maximized" : true,
      "maximizedResolution" : [ 1600, 837 ],
      "musicVol" : 100,
      "passwordHash" : "",
      "pixelRatioIdx" : 3,
      "renderPreSleepRemainder" : 4,
      "renderPriority" : true,
      "renderSleep" : true,
      "rootKey" : "-snip-",
      "sampleRate" : 44100,
      "serverName" : "A Starbound Server",
      "serverPasswords" : [ "", "duckies", "swordfish" ],
      "sfxVol" : 100,
      "speechBubbles" : true,
      "tileDamageLimit" : 49,
      "title.connectionString" : "",
      "upnpPortForwarding" : true,
      "useDefaultWorldCoordinate" : false,
      "username" : "",
      "vsync" : true,
      "waitForUpdate" : true,
      "windowTitle" : "Starbound - Beta",
      "windowedResolution" : [ 1000, 600 ],
      "zoomLevel" : 3
    Server config:

        "server_hostname": "localhost",
        "debug_file": "debug.log",
        "core_plugin_path": "./core_plugins",
        "owner_uuid": "",
        "player_db": "config/player.db",
        "server_port": 21024,
        "plugin_path": "./plugins",
        "command_prefix": "/",
        "passthrough" : false,
        "colors": {
            "default": "^#F7EB43;",
            "guest": "^#F7EB43;",
            "registered": "^#A0F743;",
            "moderator": "^#4385F7;",
            "admin": "^#C443F7;",
            "owner": "^#F7434C;"
    And yes, I've tried connecting directly using, which gives the above error... Help!?
  17. Hexicube

    Hexicube Star Wrangler

    So I'm trying to make a plugin that allows warping between worlds, but the only way I can achieve it is if I move the player's ship to the target planet. Whilst this works and costs the player no fuel, and also allows an instant warp, this loses the player's old planet. Is there a way to warp to a planet without moving the ship?
  18. Carrots Are Mediocre

    Carrots Are Mediocre Zero Gravity Genie

    As it says in the instructions, you have to run:

    pypm install pip

    and then

    pip install enum34
  19. Djet

    Djet Sandwich Man

    So I did, check the
  20. Carrots Are Mediocre

    Carrots Are Mediocre Zero Gravity Genie

    Sorry, I must have just glanced over that part. That seems to be a python bug, not anything with my program. I will work on removing the enum dependency since I can't fix that.

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