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Server Discussion StarNub Wrapper and API

Discussion in 'Multiplayer' started by Underbalanced, Jun 10, 2014.

  1. Underbalanced

    Underbalanced Phantasmal Quasar

    This post will be moved soon.

    The rest of the post are cleaned up, as while in development I will no longer be putting out what features and examples I am doing until its totally complete. This way I have some unique features that other wrappers will not.

    FreeNode: Underbalanced - ##Starbound-dev, ##starnub, #starbound
    www.starnub.org (Java Wrapper)
    www.myfu.net (Free Universe)
    www.twitch.tv/Underbalanced (Stream)
    ts3.myfu.net (Teamspeak 3)
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2014
    Archer and Djet like this.
  2. Djet

    Djet Sandwich Man

    Hello, please tell me, what is the approximate release date of the wrapper?
  3. Archer

    Archer Spaceman Spiff

    Nice to see you made the thread finally, I'll be keeping an eye on this :)
  4. M4MKey

    M4MKey Aquatic Astronaut

    Hi, i'm really interested to make a server again on this game. I downloaded your stable version of the wrapper but... I don't understand at all where I am supposed to find this StarNub.jar which isn't included on your links :(
  5. Brockway

    Brockway Pangalactic Porcupine

    Make it plugin, so people cant be jerk and retard about your projet, they will use it only on they free will.
  6. You will create one auth system via database? Something in-game or it also can allow external auths to our "server site communities"? :kitten:
  7. @Underbalanced it's amazing wrapper sending back custom messages to clients. About the auth usually a config file on the wrapper (on other similar games server wrappers) may ask us for external database and table details (where the accounts will be on, like a normal site script if your server runs on the site localhost) and then before enter he server users would need already to login via the auth fields. I am wondering how a system like that would work if the password fields on a database are encrypted, but it would be amazing if via permissions, guests could join without login, and then after registration on the right way they could use login and enter the server with permissions to do stuff.
    That would be the biggest step fighting back hacking/griefing and other kinds of exploiting on a public server due the high control it provides. :)
  8. Archer

    Archer Spaceman Spiff

    Will this prevent people from making/modding drills that drill out 7x7 areas with one click?
  9. Archer

    Archer Spaceman Spiff

    Would be great if you get it working, because it's a fundamental flaw of the game together with a lot of other issues induced by modding.

    Keep it up, you're doing great work : )
  10. Archer

    Archer Spaceman Spiff

    Mostly stuff like ^red; ^blue; ^orange; ^cyan; ^gray; ^white; ^green; ^yellow; ^black; ^purple; and probably some other obvious ones that I forgot.

    Also I think ^clear; makes the text invisible, or it was some other one.

    I don't know any of these sequences that go with symbols (or single characters) though
  11. danks_

    danks_ Existential Complex

    Looking forward to the H2 support.
  12. Underbalanced

    Underbalanced Phantasmal Quasar

    I removed all my features and details for now from this post. I will publish a full documentation and code once complete. Some how my features or part of the implementations seem to be walking on over to SharpStar. While I support collaboration this is not what i want. While I have worked very hard to discover, test and come up with creative ways to do stuff. Everything I told Mitch I was working on seems to have now been done in his wrapper partially or fully. I would like to have some features not copied being I have poured many hours into this project. So this thread will die until I have a release project. All of my repositories are now private for the time being.
  13. Underbalanced

    Underbalanced Phantasmal Quasar

    Still here! I have bee developing still. I worked on making it backward compatible but was a bit of an issue. This wrapper will be released with the future update. Although that might be a few months, be assured you will have the most solid, and a large friendly API with anything you can dream up. If not well add it. But anywho, no more screenshots for now. Everything will be kept on the DL until release day. All testing will take place on my nightly test server as it has been.
    Archer and danks_ like this.
  14. danks_

    danks_ Existential Complex

    I can vouch, already seen a few small peeks into the wrapper. Hyped.
  15. danks_

    danks_ Existential Complex

    So guys, I teamed up with Underbalanced, I'll be trying my luck with a new CMS, this time it will be for the StarNub wrapper. I started from scratch instead of using the StarDanksCMS and this time I decided to go for a HTML5 template. The CMS will be a lot more flexible when it comes to customization, I will add some documentation and examples so that people understand how the pages should be made (design wise). It's also Phone and Tablet friendly and I will try to store as much data as possible in the database to minimize the people's need to modify files manually.

    Until now, I've been working on the basic Administration Panel (account management, menu management, page management, news management, memo management and Carousel management). The website will be linked to the wrappers' database, meaning that all accounts created in the website will be usable in the server (and accounts created in the server will be usable in the website), with time, we will find a way to add more options such as a Ban Manager, Kick people from the server directly from the website, edit permissions, groups and many other things.

    I'll share some pics with you guys: http://imgur.com/a/L9yTy#0

    If you want to keep up with the updates on the Wrapper check MyFreeUniverse's homepage and this thread to check on the CMS
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2014
    Bacon and Underbalanced like this.
  16. Underbalanced

    Underbalanced Phantasmal Quasar

    StarNub is still alive. Recently after production testing and two weeks of profiling I determined StarNub must be pushed to C++. The main reason is having finer grain control on resources. The Java code well still be used in the android app. I have already started learning C and C++.
    bluecollarart and danks_ like this.

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