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Outdated StarMount 5.1

StarMount - 150 Mounts - Pleased Giraffe

  1. D9sinc

    D9sinc Big Damn Hero

    Hello I'm having some trouble with this mod whenever I install it my game crashes and gives me this error report

    StarException: An error occurred during loading: MonsterException:
    Error loading monster type
    caused by: MonsterException: Repeat monster type name
    _Bind<ClientApplication: preSplashInitialization()::{lambda()#1}()>
    >:: (_Any_data)

    ClientApplication: postSplashInitialization()

    If you could help me this would be great I'm using version 1.8 of the mod and it's in singleplayer and I'm using Enraged Koala (obviously) if needed I'll list the mods I'm using if you think that may be causing the problem.

    Edit: I had to add spacing to some parts to avoid it turning into Emoticons.
  2. marac008

    marac008 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Yes, if you can please list the mods you use.[DOUBLEPOST=1408266288][/DOUBLEPOST]
    I will upload an update soon to hopefully fix this error, I just deleted some projectiles that I weren't using but were in projectiles folder, like lightball projectile.
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2014
  3. marac008

    marac008 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

  4. Archinois

    Archinois Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Question- wi|| you be ab|e to fix the bug of going invisib|e on a server whenever your mount attacks? up unti| that point the mod works fine and the mounts and visib|e but after an attack you dissappear and removing the tech does not cure it on|y |ogging back in wi|| and the tech has to be removed beforehand. This kind of prob|em seems present in the corperation mech mod a|so but that one is invis whenever the mods equipped, the moment its taken off your visib|e again.
    So far the on|y mount based mod that seems to have not had this troub|e that i have used was the dragonbound mod, maybe the creator can he|p find whats going on?
    anyway I hope your ab|e to get it ironed out at some point this mod is a very good one and I be|ieve is shou|d be one of many mods that shou|d be in the base game :3
  5. D9sinc

    D9sinc Big Damn Hero

    Alright the mods I'm using (In Alphabetical order is) and sorry if the list is a little long and i hope this helps I really want to try out this mod.
    1. Attack on Titan
    2. Automatic Doors
    3. Avali Race
    4. Wood to Coal
    5. Better Mining
    6. Better Inventory
    7. Better Merchants
    8. Blood Mod
    9. Boss-Be-Gone
    10. Dark Elite Race
    11. Diamond Armor
    12. Distinctive Platinum
    13. Dungeoneer Dungeons
    14. Extra Wings
    15. GamePlus
    16. GundamBound
    17. Human Crafting Table
    18. Kemono Race
    19. Kobold Race
    20. Lyetzi's Gun Shop
    21. Mantis
    22. Meteormod
    23. Mega Man Mod A.K.A MMX
    24. Gun Energy Cost
    25. Munari Race
    26. Nephilim Race
    27. Ningen Race
    28. Novakid+
    29. Ore Farming 2.0
    30. RaceAbilities
    31. Racial Crossover
    32. Reduced Respawn Costs
    33. Regeneration Pod
    34. Riku's Fuel Mod
    35. Skelly Race
    36. Standing Turret
    37. Tabula Rasa
    38. Xbawks Character Extender
    39. Variety is the Spice of the Universe
    40. XS Mech
    41. Your Starbound Crew
    42. Equipment Locker.modpak
    43. Ragnaraok Online.Modpak
    44. StarboundMassEffectEdition.modpak

    Edit: I've also tried it with half of these mods uninstalled and would still receive the same error so Idk which one exactly is causing the problem.
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2014
  6. marac008

    marac008 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Well I can say one thing for sure, it definitely is conflicting with another mod that also changes .monstertype files, its just that I can't say for sure which mod it is because I don't know them all.

    Even though there's something weird about that error, this '/monsters/flying/smallflyingnith/smallflyingnight.monstertpe', see how at the end monstertype extension is misspelled, monstertpe, I checked mine file and its spelled correctly.
  7. D9sinc

    D9sinc Big Damn Hero

    Actually I may have typed it wrong since my Y button sometimes acts up but i'll try deleting some of the mods that add monster types and see if that doesn't change anything thank you for your help.

    Edit: Okay I just tried to re run this thing by uninstalling all the mods and than just running it with this mod and it still gave me the error type :/ I don't know what could be doing it now since it's the only mod installed.
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2014
  8. marac008

    marac008 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Hmm, yea that is weird, should work fine. I have no idea what the problem is, for now.

    Just to make sure, you are using stable version and playing single player?
  9. D9sinc

    D9sinc Big Damn Hero

    Yes I'm using the stable version (9.6) but it crashes before it even reaches the title screen so I don't even have the chance to choose to play either single or multi.
  10. marac008

    marac008 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    There's something you could try, delete smallflyingnight.monstertype (StarMount\monsters\flying\smallflying), and then try playing. If you get any other error with night monster type just delete it.

    This isn't really a solution because you won't get Monster Dna from night monsters, but at least you will be able to play.

    Give me feedback if this will work for you.
  11. D9sinc

    D9sinc Big Damn Hero

    It worked I had to delete the Smallflyingnight.monstertype and tallbipednight.monstertype and afterwards it loaded up :D

    Edit: It finally loaded up but whenever I play I can't mine or harvest anything and the world doesn't load up it just stays in an eternal loop :/ Idk what could be causing all these problems but I guess until I can figure out why this is happening when I install your mod I won't be able to play it :/ thank you for all of your help and support.
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2014
  12. marac008

    marac008 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    This sounds like the problem people had when I released this mod, but I fixed it afterwards, so I don't know why you have this problem. They experienced the same thing, not being able to mine and the world wouldn't load, but I know after I changed file/folder placement, everything was working fine.

    Is your monster folder structure like it is on this image, exactly like this without any subfolders?

  13. D9sinc

    D9sinc Big Damn Hero

    yes my monster folder structure does look like the image you provided
  14. b133d_4_U

    b133d_4_U Void-Bound Voyager

    i love this mod!its so awesome!sadly,the mounts become practically obsolete by around level 4 planets.also sadly,theres a severe lack of scorpion themed mounts TTmTT
  15. marac008

    marac008 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Did you try higher tiered mounts, pass tier 4?
  16. b133d_4_U

    b133d_4_U Void-Bound Voyager

    ive tried tier 10 mounts
  17. william7877

    william7877 Space Hobo

    the mod is great but cant seem to find/obtain any fethercrown??? can u tell me how to get some
  18. marac008

    marac008 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Well fethercrown is Starbound's item (food), its a plant or a fruit that you eat, can't really say where you can find it, because its randomly generated, explore planets and search for this http://starbound.wikia.com/wiki/Feathercrown

    Hope that's helpful :)
  19. Oinario

    Oinario Void-Bound Voyager

    hey bro I Have this error on the small flying night

    Do you know what is the cause of this crash?
  20. D9sinc

    D9sinc Big Damn Hero

    Well the picture is not showing up if in the crash report it claims you have a multiple of the smallflyingnight.monstertype file than you have the same problem I did and I'll give you the advice the Mod Author gave to me and hope it works for you

    Go into the folder of starmount and look for monsters in the assests folder delete the file marked smallflyingnight.monstertype and see if that doesn't allow you to play this mod.

    OH and before I forget either make a backup of the folder first or keep the original .zip file nearby for reinstallation.

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