I will try to fix this in my next update, just by renaming my assets for mount station interface, but thats as much as I can do. This mod conflicts are unpredictable because theres a lot of mods out there and the conflict could be with any of those mods. But anyway, I hope this next update will fix this problem for you
marac008 updated StarMount with a new update entry: Jetpack fix + interface fix Read the rest of this update entry...
Update coming soon, probably some other mod using goocluster2 name for their projectile, I changed mine to goocluster5 just to be safe.
marac008 updated StarMount with a new update entry: Fixed duplicate goocluster2 projectile Read the rest of this update entry...
i have an other bug :'( i was searching for a tall night biped mob ... then i realize when night is coming some part of the ground are not loading. if i go right or left i finish stuck front an invisible wall who is in reality a no loaded ground. i have to wait the day, teleport to ship then come back on the planet to fix it ... and it's happen like every night now ... :'( i still have tons of mods installed so i will remove them and investigate to be sure the problem is coming from the starmount mod. but i start to guess the problem is maybe coming from this night tall biped file.... does anyone have the same problem ? my friend Matt (the guy who find the problem with the tallnightbiped file) have also the same problem ... :'( i see no error in log file :'( have same problem with 1.2 and 1.3 version
If its any consolation I had this problem even before I made this mod, and I found out that game sometimes behaves like this, or maybe it was some other mod but I can't remember if I was using any. I would beam down to a planet, and then game wouldn't load chunks of terrain around me (exactly as on your screenshot), and if I tried to jump in this empty space I would get stuck in mid air, and this was during the day and night. Why I doubt my mod is doing this is because it isn't affecting terrain in any way, neither is any of those monstertype files. But if it is because of some mod conflict I would investigate this if others have this problem too. If people do have this problem I can easily delete DNA drop from Night Tall Biped monsters, it won't matter that much, because it will drop from all other monster which I think is enough for collecting DNA
Error when my pet killed some mobs, crashed the server and freeze all game action, cant mining or anything. This is a Starbound_server.log Code: Error: Could not load /monsters/ground/quadrupednight/quadruped.animation asset, attempting to use default. AssetException: Could not read variant asset /monsters/ground/quadrupednight/quadruped.animation caused by: AssetException: No such asset '/monsters/ground/quadrupednight/quadruped.animation' Assets::read(String) Assets::readVariant(String) _Function_handler<shared_ptr<Assets::AssetData> (), Assets::loadVariant(String)::{lambda()#1}>::(_Any_data) Assets::processAssetData(function<shared_ptr<Assets::AssetData> ()>) Assets::loadVariant(String) Assets::loadAsset(Assets::AssetId) Assets::doLoad(Assets::AssetId) Assets::getAsset(Assets::AssetId) Assets::variant(String) NetworkedAnimator::NetworkedAnimator(Variant, String) MonsterDatabase::produceMonsterFamily(String, unsigned long long, Variant) MonsterDatabase::generateMonsterFamily(String, unsigned long long, Variant) Spawner::getMonsterFamiliesFor(Vector<float, 2u>, MonsterSpawnParameters) Spawner::findPossibleSpawns(Vector<float, 2u>) Spawner::spawnNeededClusters() Spawner::update() WorldServer::update() WorldServerThread::update() WorldServerThread::run() ThreadImpl::runThread(void*) BaseThreadInitThunk RtlInitializeExceptionChain RtlInitializeExceptionChain Error: WorldServerThread exception caught: VariantException: Improper conversion to VariantMap from null Variant::mapPtr() Variant::get(String, Variant) NetworkedAnimator::NetworkedAnimator(Variant, String) MonsterDatabase::produceMonsterFamily(String, unsigned long long, Variant) MonsterDatabase::generateMonsterFamily(String, unsigned long long, Variant) Spawner::getMonsterFamiliesFor(Vector<float, 2u>, MonsterSpawnParameters) Spawner::findPossibleSpawns(Vector<float, 2u>) Spawner::spawnNeededClusters() Spawner::update() WorldServer::update() WorldServerThread::update() WorldServerThread::run() ThreadImpl::runThread(void*) BaseThreadInitThunk RtlInitializeExceptionChain RtlInitializeExceptionChain Error: Could not load /monsters/ground/quadrupednight/quadruped.animation asset, attempting to use default. AssetException: Could not read variant asset /monsters/ground/quadrupednight/quadruped.animation caused by: AssetException: No such asset '/monsters/ground/quadrupednight/quadruped.animation' Assets::read(String) Assets::readVariant(String) _Function_handler<shared_ptr<Assets::AssetData> (), Assets::loadVariant(String)::{lambda()#1}>::(_Any_data) Assets::processAssetData(function<shared_ptr<Assets::AssetData> ()>) Assets::loadVariant(String) Assets::loadAsset(Assets::AssetId) Assets::doLoad(Assets::AssetId) Assets::getAsset(Assets::AssetId) Assets::variant(String) NetworkedAnimator::NetworkedAnimator(Variant, String) MonsterDatabase::produceMonsterFamily(String, unsigned long long, Variant) MonsterDatabase::generateMonsterFamily(String, unsigned long long, Variant) Spawner::getMonsterFamiliesFor(Vector<float, 2u>, MonsterSpawnParameters) Spawner::findPossibleSpawns(Vector<float, 2u>) Spawner::spawnNeededClusters() Spawner::update() WorldServer::update() WorldServerThread::update() WorldServerThread::run() ThreadImpl::runThread(void*) BaseThreadInitThunk RtlInitializeExceptionChain RtlInitializeExceptionChain Error: WorldServerThread exception caught: VariantException: Improper conversion to VariantMap from null Variant::mapPtr() Variant::get(String, Variant) NetworkedAnimator::NetworkedAnimator(Variant, String) MonsterDatabase::produceMonsterFamily(String, unsigned long long, Variant) MonsterDatabase::generateMonsterFamily(String, unsigned long long, Variant) Spawner::getMonsterFamiliesFor(Vector<float, 2u>, MonsterSpawnParameters) Spawner::findPossibleSpawns(Vector<float, 2u>) Spawner::spawnNeededClusters() Spawner::update() WorldServer::update() WorldServerThread::update() WorldServerThread::run() ThreadImpl::runThread(void*) BaseThreadInitThunk RtlInitializeExceptionChain RtlInitializeExceptionChain
Yea than thats the problem, I didn't test this mod for multiplayer and to be honest I don't have any experience with multiplayer so I don't know how to optimise mod for multiplayer. Sorry about that
i see what you mean about not loading chunks but on my case it's happen only during night and only since i installed your mod. so i made many test who took me lot of time =p test 1 - still have all my mods installed and i just removed the " tallbipednight folder " from monsters/ground... and i still have the bug only during night. test 2 - so i also removed the "quadrupednight" folder and boom fixed, no more loading ground bug . i think something is wrong with the mobs spawning during night. test 3 - last test , i removed all my mods, made a new character . re downloaded and installed your mod (nothing modified) and the loading chunk problem is back. so to me it's clearly a problem with the tallbipednight and quadrupednight folders if i'm the only one to have this bug dont waste your time i will just remove the 2 folders, i can still find dna during day =p even those little bugs i still think you did a huge and great job with this mod !! =)
Yes that seems to be the problem. Thank you for doing all this testing It would be nice to get feedback from other about this problem, if everyone is experiencing this problem I will delete those two folders and update the mod. Then all DNA hunting will be during day time Btw sosmic, did you experience this problem in Single Player or Multiplayer?
Hey awesome mod. I noticed there is two folders in the zip file. One is StarMount the other is _MACOSX. I am guessing the OSX folder I dont need?. It looks like it has the same stuff in it as the Starmount folder.
Yea that one is not needed, I work on MAC and sometimes it adds folders/files like that, just ignore it or delete it
there is also like 3 mb of useless ".DS_Store" in the mod folder =p about the bug it's happen in solo and multi i made all test in solo mode but it happend one time too when i was hosting, my friend got the bug and he had also the mod installed
Anyone else having problems with tallbipednight and quadrupednight monsters, meaning your world doesn't load correctly? I would like to fix all the errors players find, so all feedback is appreciated