zetaPRIME submitted a new mod: StardustLib - Library mod; not much to see here Read more about this mod...
zetaPRIME updated StardustLib with a new update entry: Mostly bugfix Read the rest of this update entry...
So What si this exactly? I would love to learn more about it. I am going to download it and take a look at it file wise but a hint or 2 from the creator would be cool to.
You know how on Minecraft there are some mods that don't really (visibly) do anything on their own but are required by other mods? This is that. Shared functions, some systems for other mods to hook into, etc. (also, look at the github, much more convenient than having to unpack stuff)
zetaPRIME updated StardustLib with a new update entry: Alpha v0.03-1e899de Read the rest of this update entry...
zetaPRIME updated StardustLib with a new update entry: Alpha v0.04-fd2fafd Read the rest of this update entry...
zetaPRIME updated StardustLib with a new update entry: Alpha v0.20-7ec8889 Read the rest of this update entry...
zetaPRIME updated StardustLib with a new update entry: Alpha v0.21-0e1d308 Read the rest of this update entry...
zetaPRIME updated StardustLib with a new update entry: Alpha v0.23-7941896 Read the rest of this update entry...
zetaPRIME updated StardustLib with a new update entry: Alpha v0.25-3ce69bd Read the rest of this update entry...
Aight, lets see if this old thread gets me a reply. When i launch starbound its going fine, when i click anything on stardust lib my game freezes and crashes. I can provide a log of the crash if needed.