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Bug/Issue Stardew Valley Shuts Down Overnight

Discussion in 'Support' started by RowanRiver, May 16, 2019.

  1. RowanRiver

    RowanRiver Space Hobo

    I used to be able to pause my game and leave it go overnight--even days--til I could continue. Now, my game (sometimes, not always) has quit by the time I get back to it.

    I recently got a new win 10 Legion laptop, but I've checked all the power settings to never shut down or sleep. Also, Stardew Valley is the only app that does this. I didn't find anything in event viewer to indicate shutdown, and it doesn't look like Stardew creates any events on its own. How do I get this to stop so I don't lose hours of cumulative time?

    Really wishing this game had a quit save...

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