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Stardew Valley save files crash upon loading

Discussion in 'Support' started by WarPopsicle, Jul 30, 2018.

  1. WarPopsicle

    WarPopsicle Intergalactic Tourist

    Since starting this thread, my Stardew valley has had an issue for the past week and a half or so. My game starts fine with no problem but once I go to the "load" screen, I face problems. My save files don't display my avatar like they usually do. Instead, for every single save file there is an avatar with no pants or hair, blue overalls and the same basic face. Almost like a default character before any changes are made. The next thing I notice is that all my save files say 500g and 0:00 time played. The name of the farm is simply "Farm." The one thing that has stayed the same is that my save files still retain the name of the character I chose for them. So basically all I see are save files with some weird looking default avatar, the name I chose for that save file, and zero progress on that farm. If anyone has had a similar problem or knows a fix please help me out.
    Screen Shot 2018-07-30 at 11.39.59 AM.png

    Edit: Not sure if it matters but one of my servers was a single player server and one was a multiplayer server that I created during the beta. Also, this glitch or bug started the day they shut down the multiplayer beta.
    • Hakuna Matata

      Hakuna Matata Big Damn Hero

      Steam has probably taken you out of the beta. You have to opt in again.

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