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Stardew Valley not Launching

Discussion in 'Support' started by MishroomSoup, Apr 21, 2018.

  1. MishroomSoup

    MishroomSoup Space Hobo

    I'm pretty frustrated I've tried everything I could find logging back to 2016. I installed SMAPI and it didn't help, I uninstalled and reinstalled the game and I deleted my %appdata% folder and it took all my save data with it. And that worked. Once.

    I come back to try and play the game and run into the same issues. I've never, never had a problem with this game before, I have 241 hours loaded and the profiles I had are all gone I'm just really sad and want to keep playing this game but I don't want to just play the first few days of the first year before I start over. I'll take screenshots but it doesn't last long. The screen pops up white then Windows says it isn't responding

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