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Bug/Issue Stardew Valley Fair : Fishing game

Discussion in 'Support' started by Jynce, Apr 12, 2018.

  1. Jynce

    Jynce Intergalactic Tourist

    Hi, I'm a long time fan of this game and I luckily never encountered a bug before (at least, a game breaking one). Last time I played, it was the Stardew Valley Fair in fall. I just wanted to play the fishing game in order to win some star points for the shop, but then this happened.
    At first, my character was facing me, I pressed "a" in order to go to the left, where the water is, but instead of the running animation, I had my character facing me and shaking while moving to the left. I clicked in order to swing my fishing pole, and what you see in this picture is what it looked like when I was charging the strength of my swing. While fishing, my character had four arms, the two you see in the picture and two holding the pole (and there still was that pole in the air, by the way, so two poles). I could get a fish, my character looked normal when holding the fish, and then it came back to what we see in this picture. My character was frozen and couldn't move at all. I thought that letting the time reach zero would free it from this state, but nothing happened. I was stuck there, the music still playing, stuck in this room. I tried pressing all menu buttons, but nothing worked. Also, my character doesn't look like this normally, it's like a weird half facing the camera and other half looking left.

    Just letting know of this glitch existence. I don't know if I'm the only one that has happened or if it's a common glitch.
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