It just crashes every single time. I tried updating all my mods that required updates, but it still crashes every time I got to sleep. I got a mod that lets me save anywhere I want, but saving before bed, letting it crash, and loading it back up again is redundant and annoying, so I want a permanent fix. Here's my crash log, if anyone could look through that and help me. I love this game and the mods I've gotten and I'm willing to delete any mods if I have to. Last time I checked I have about 191 mods total. I'm not that far in on my current farm so if deleting something corrupts it that's fine. Crash log:
You have some duplicate JsonAssets items due to not following the install instructions for the beta version of Fresh Meat. That readme file was important but the short version is you need to entirely delete Even More Recipes - Meat because it's part of the beta Fresh Meat. Because of these duplicates, JsonAssets cannot function properly and is crashing. This crashes any save handler that properly accounts for custom objects, because the game can't handle the resulting morass of broken item data. Without SMAPI's extremely good error handler the game would probably have crashed upon loading a save or possibly without even getting to the menu screen; the save handler is a little less crash-protected, though, likely because "Game crash and informative SMAPI errors" is a better outcome than "Game continued but now your save file is corrupt". You had eight thousand crash errors for Jsonassets alone, and SMAPI managed to recover from all but one of them. Deleting the obsolete Even More Recipes - Meat folder should fix your game.
It still didn't work sadly. Here's the crash log: I deleted the Even More Recipes - Meat file and it fixed some bugs that were happening, such as some items from mods not showing up, but I went to sleep and it crashed like usual.
Nevermind. I just had to update SMAPI and delete the Even More Recipes - Meat file. Thanks for your help!