Starbound: Xenoverse

Discussion in 'Role Playing' started by Presios Saiyan, Mar 21, 2015.

  1. Presios Saiyan

    Presios Saiyan Giant Laser Beams

    Azaya dodged some of #18's attacks. Even though they do light damage, he uses the Kaioken X20. "Kaioken Times 20!" He pushes his namekian body to the limits, knowing that it might help with the power boost, but also rendered his body strained. He throws 15 light punches and kicks at #18 till she was K.O'd. He threw Trunks into the sky, waiting him to fall down.

    He also defeated Trunks by slamming him down, breaking the platform.
  2. Infinit Phoenix

    Infinit Phoenix Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Rex jumps back and charges for a moment before he takes a deep breath, he then yells at the top of his lungs and turns super saiyan.
    "Now you will see the true power of a saiyan warrior!"
  3. Presios Saiyan

    Presios Saiyan Giant Laser Beams

    Azaya had grown into a Super Namek, inheriting his Super Namekian powers. He then grabs Goten and trunks into the ground harshly, forcing them to both go super. Trunks and Goten had both gone Super Saiyan.

    Azaya punched Goten in the face, knocking kim out. He grabbed Trunks and threw him out of the ring. But then, Mr. Satan jumps into the fight.
  4. Infinit Phoenix

    Infinit Phoenix Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Rex turns and unleashes a Super Dragon Fist into Hercules chest with his boosted strength immiedeatly knocking Hercule out of the ring he laughs
  5. Presios Saiyan

    Presios Saiyan Giant Laser Beams

    Azaya also scoffed at the hilarity of Mr. Satan. Till Gohan, Vegeta and Goku arrive to defeat Azaya and Rex. Azaya then uses Ice Field to freeze them. Then he used his energy to make the Special Beam Cannon. One of the frozen ice was smashed by Goku to free himself.
  6. Infinit Phoenix

    Infinit Phoenix Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Rex grabs the frozen Vegeta and throws him into Gohan and follows up victory rush catching vegeta in a flurry of combos ending with him being smashed into the ground
    "You may be a prince, but I say hail to the king baby!"
  7. Presios Saiyan

    Presios Saiyan Giant Laser Beams

    Azaya looks at the smashed up ice, no longer encasing Vegeta. He grew into a size that outstands the Oozaru. He grabbed Gohan and throws him out of the ring, but was punched n the face by Goku. He grabbed his cheek and grabbed Goku. He throws him upward, then slammed him down with one fist.
  8. Infinit Phoenix

    Infinit Phoenix Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Rex has a scuffle with vegeta but after using pressure sign he manages kick vegeta out of the ring, his super saiyan runs leaving him weak for a few moments before beginning to charge up
  9. Presios Saiyan

    Presios Saiyan Giant Laser Beams

    Azaya then throws Goku out of the ring. He then returns to normal size.

    "Damn, it takes a lot of power."
  10. Infinit Phoenix

    Infinit Phoenix Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    " I'm sure it does seeing as you would dwarf an Oozaru in that form"
    Rex takes a look around
    "Is that all of em?*
  11. Presios Saiyan

    Presios Saiyan Giant Laser Beams

    Azaya nodded as he disappears into Toki Toki City, back to the Time Patrol Timeline Quest resepticant.

    He got himself new clothing for nameks to wear. He wore it, and felt like he has a decent amount of Ki.

    "Hmm, This clothing is a minor upgrade compares to mine, but Ki is enough for that."
  12. Infinit Phoenix

    Infinit Phoenix Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Rex disappears back to toki toki city as well , he immiediatly goes back to arguing with the bot asking again why he cannot go on the newest time patrols that he had heard had stronger opponents than ever.
  13. Presios Saiyan

    Presios Saiyan Giant Laser Beams

    Azaya returns to the Time Nest to fix time problems for his timeline. When he looked at the Scroll of Eternity, he saw the erchius horror killing even more people in 500+ Planets! He teleported to the timeline to stop it from reaching to the Second Timeline. 15 Minutes into the fight, Azaya came back relieved. The timeline was in order, again. He got a challenge from an ice-Jin, Telling him to fight me and his Alternian friend. He accepted the Challenge Request as he was teleported to the battlefield.
    Rakuida, J-block and WoxandWarf like this.
  14. awesomecomer123

    awesomecomer123 Master Chief

    Methyl walks to the ice-jin... and she then asks for the same quest. said in a confident and soft voice
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2015
  15. Shador

    Shador Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I want to join too!
    I got my character form filled out!
    Name: Shador Stawblade

    Race: Glitch (Male)

    Personality: Friendly to friends, but aggresive to everyting he doesn´t like.

    Starter Gear: Black coat (chest and boots), no head, an almost broken sword and a bionic horse

    Backstory: He lived in a peaceful vilage, owning a restaurant with his wife, living a happy life. But then, the village was attacked by penguins who wanted to conquer the planet. He managed to flee, but his wife got hurt and died on his ship. After that, he started to fly, fly away, fly as far as he can from his old life. He almost crashed into a sun, his ship got heavily damaged but he managed to fly to a nearby planet and decided to forget his old life and start from the beginning.
    Presios Saiyan likes this.
  16. Presios Saiyan

    Presios Saiyan Giant Laser Beams

    Your character is Accepted.
    Shador likes this.
  17. awesomecomer123

    awesomecomer123 Master Chief

    Methyl glares at azaya, giving him her "What the fuck just happened" shrug. Reguardless of whats happening. she walks off to get a sandwich from the bakery, She quickly turns back at azaya. quickly equipping her revolver and aiming it at him. She then yells at azaya "Get out of my sight, or else your dead."[DOUBLEPOST=1446876074][/DOUBLEPOST]She has turned the tables on Azaya. She steps to the other side. her glow turning slightly red.[DOUBLEPOST=1446876360][/DOUBLEPOST]She then walks away. and trys teleporting herself out of the battlefield. but its no use. She sighs. and goes back to Azaya's side. She then says "Sorry about that ol' chap. Just realized that i cant get outta' here. I just hate to mention this, but i really hate you. But that dose not mean you are not my teamate. right?"[DOUBLEPOST=1446876458][/DOUBLEPOST]She continues. "I just have a urge to destroy you. Oh... the fight. right."
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2015
  18. awesomecomer123

    awesomecomer123 Master Chief

    Me realized she has SERIOUSLY flipped a table on Azaya. She gets it off him. and says "Im gonna be right back"
    She briefly leaves the battlefield to buy a weapon. then she walks back onto the battlefield
    "Not more time to waste. Lets just bust these motherfuckers and get out."
  19. Presios Saiyan

    Presios Saiyan Giant Laser Beams

    Azaya's eyes moved toward the strange novakid. "Well, it dose mean you are my teammate, but that's not our problem." He decided to rather defeat her, become allies. Who knows what dangers that will emerge. The Scroll of Eternity is corrupted again, Azaya himself decided to investigate.
  20. awesomecomer123

    awesomecomer123 Master Chief

    She would walk away. On her way. she battled a floran. got a sandwich. and then she arrives at the most cutest and easiest enemy ever. She just walks past like nothing happened. and the cute warrior did not even give a matter in the world about her. She then bumps into a human. and the human offers a quest to defeat Vegata. She accepts. and she gets teleported to the battlefield.[DOUBLEPOST=1447037609][/DOUBLEPOST]Then Lackwack takes the same quest. Then the battle starts.
    Lackwack runs to Vegeta. and then he delivers a punch to the face. Then Methyl dose those pick-up-spinny-tornado-throw thingys. and Vegata just Kai Blasts Lackwack.[DOUBLEPOST=1447037682][/DOUBLEPOST]Vegeta then counterattacks Methyl, and then Methyl flips a table that randomly appeared on Vegata.[DOUBLEPOST=1447037920][/DOUBLEPOST]Methyl then fires the new weapon at Vegeta.

    (HP so far...
    Vageta: 9,135
    Lackwack: 10,000
    Methyl: 6,736)[DOUBLEPOST=1447038070][/DOUBLEPOST]So far, Methyl is losing the battle. And then Vegata. Well... QUADRUPLE KICK COMBO! Lackwack finally dose something, He fires the unknown assult rifle at Vegeta. dealing 1,000 points of damage to Vegeta. (Note: I gave all of them 10,000 HP to keep things balanced. and intersting. Don't worry. It will wear off after the battle. and everybody that was in the fight will be back at max health.)
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2015

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