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Tutorial Starbound Server Management Console Release

Discussion in 'Multiplayer' started by Icer, Dec 16, 2013.

  1. Hacks

    Hacks Void-Bound Voyager

    no start [​IMG] Windows 8
  2. AcDie

    AcDie Orbital Explorer

    Loading loop..
    Mechrior likes this.
  3. Fizzy Amp

    Fizzy Amp Void-Bound Voyager

    I'm going to get some sleep, been trying to figure for almost two hours.. Hopefully he will answer, please.
  4. bkg

    bkg Subatomic Cosmonaut

    • <AdminPassword>abc</AdminPassword>
    • The password is appended to all slash commands
      • ie, "/kick Icer abc"
    • Some one get it to run ? My problem is he still says Command not listet !
    "No such command kick" !
  5. Mechrior

    Mechrior Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    even with the new version, still stuck on "server status loading..."
  6. G0disPink

    G0disPink Intergalactic Tourist

    Very nice piece of software, I have hosted Minecraft and Terraria servers and this is by far the cleanest UI I have seen...

    Just one problem, I opened the ports accordingly and I have double checked my IP address, yet the game refuses to think the server exists


    Help please? :)
  7. Hacks

    Hacks Void-Bound Voyager

    Windows 8 server stop 10 hours :D
  8. Hacks

    Hacks Void-Bound Voyager

    test 21025
  9. bkg

    bkg Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Some one get the kick comands /kick runnig ?
  10. G0disPink

    G0disPink Intergalactic Tourist

    The test says Open, not sure..
  11. Hacks

    Hacks Void-Bound Voyager


    to -- serverfolder/starbound/starbound.config

    "title.connectionString" : "",

  12. Fizzy Amp

    Fizzy Amp Void-Bound Voyager

    You can't change this ip address unless it can read your ISP, not a notepad.
  13. Icer

    Icer Tentacle Wrangler

    1PM EST 12/17/2013

    • Removed a potential deadlock from the code
    • Fixed a possible memory leak
    • Added console messages so players could better diagnose problems
      • Startup messages / warning
      • Admin command results / errors
    • Added more automatic configuration if a user is running server from win32
  14. Mortalsinn

    Mortalsinn Zero Gravity Genie

    Just letting you know 0.33 is running amazingly! I've had my server up for two hours, no crashes (used to crash after an hour with your previous version) only using 4 gigs memory and 30% CPU right now with 30 users on.
  15. Icer

    Icer Tentacle Wrangler

    That is great to hear, thank you. I optimized a lot the memory usage and it should be steady now. The only real memory should be coming from the actual executable, as it should be.
    Mortalsinn likes this.
  16. Mortalsinn

    Mortalsinn Zero Gravity Genie

    Is it possible to implement some sort of auto restart? Where your wrapper would auto kill the server task and the start it up again with a defined time? I know it's messy but there isn't really a proper way to shut down the server to begin with.
  17. SpikeTheSpaceCowboy

    SpikeTheSpaceCowboy Tentacle Wrangler

    I've built something for that already. Feel free to use it in the meantime, until @Icer can finish something for it. [Thread Link}
  18. shibdib

    shibdib Starship Captain

    For auto restarts use a .bat like

    taskkill /F /IM javaw.exe /T
    taskkill /F /IM starbound_server.exe /T
    PING -n 1 -w 10000 >NUL
    start javaw -jar "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\ServerMon\ISSMConsole.jar"
    And call it using task scheduler. You have to set the bin folder in java as a path for this to work.
  19. shibdib

    shibdib Starship Captain

    If you're going to use his you need to edit it to also kill javaw.exe in a restart. (Well technically you don't "need" too, but if you don't you'll have multiple server monitors up.)
  20. SpikeTheSpaceCowboy

    SpikeTheSpaceCowboy Tentacle Wrangler

    Have you tried running that script? It won't properly restart the server when it crashes. For instance the server can be pinged but not connected to by outside users, it will not see an error.

    Use this instead for the desired effect:

    @ echo off
    set number=0
    netstat -o -n -a | findstr [Local Server IP]:21025 | findstr CLOSE-WAIT
    if %ERRORLEVEL% equ 0 (goto killserver) ELSE (goto waiting)
    echo Server is Running
    echo %number% Restarts today.
    if not "%number%" == "0" echo Last Restarted %restarttime%
    timeout /t 30 /nobreak
    goto errorcheck
    netstat -o -n -a | findstr [Local Server IP]:21025 | findstr ESTABLISHED
    if %ERRORLEVEL% equ 0 (goto running) ELSE (goto tryagain)
    timeout /t 30 /nobreak
    goto errorcheck
    killtask starbound_server.exe
    timeout /t 10 /nobreak
    set /a number=number+1
    set cur_hh=%time:~0,2%
    if %cur_hh% lss 10 (set cur_hh=0%time:~1,1%)
    set cur_nn=%time:~3,2%
    set cur_ss=%time:~6,2%
    set cur_yyyy=%date:~10,4%
    set cur_mm=%date:~4,2%
    set cur_dd=%date:~7,2%
    set timestamp=%cur_hh%:%cur_nn%:%cur_ss% - %cur_mm%/%cur_dd%/%cur_yyyy%
    set restarttime=%timestamp%
    goto serverrestart
    start ~\ServerRestart.bat
    ping -n 1
    goto wait
    timeout /t 60 /nobreak
    echo Server Restarted
    goto errorcheck

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