Starbound Quest Idea Generator

Discussion in 'Side Quests' started by Oxidis, Oct 4, 2015.


Out of these options, what should be added to the generator preferentially?

  1. More different quest scenarios

  2. More specific descriptions such more nouns and adjectives, less caps

  3. Longer quest descriptions

    0 vote(s)
  4. No preference

  1. Oxidis

    Oxidis Hey, You!

    In the wake of the announcement about procedurally generated NPC-given quests, I have made this random quest generator.

    It combines a number of phrases and sentence structures into quest descriptions that you can use for inspiration and stuff.

    • I've seen people post lists of general quest ideas/possibilities in a number of threads. Thing is, writing down all the quest ideas you can think of would take too much space. And many of the suggestions are not very specific.
    • The NPC-given quests are randomly generated so this seems appropriate.
    • Maybe this could help people think of ideas or encourage people to think of more detailed ideas.
    • I wanted to try donjon's random generator.
    • Test of writing javascript (?)

    There are a lot of possible combinations so you can keep clicking the generate button for more. Many of the words, especially the names, pronouns and the CAPS, can be substituted for others. In most of the sentences, "the party" refers to the group gathered to do the quest.

    There are some grammatical inconsistencies due to the word combinations.

    I will keep updating this so if there are any scenarios different from what's already there, feel free to suggest them in the comments. You can also help to suggest lists (arrays of strings) of things in the same category in the form [ 'item1', 'item2', 'item3', 'etc']

    More different quest scenarios means more variations of quest tasks such as fetch, kill, defend, talk to, etc. -- the backbone of each idea.

    More specific descriptions means vague words such as the CAPS in particular should get replaced with more specific words. The more specific an idea is, the more original, right?

    Longer description can mean more sentences for each quest idea. This could add more conditions and make each idea more detailed.

    You can keep changing your vote to suit your preference. Also include your opinion in your replies.

    For simplicity, it's all in a single html file and does not embed anything. It should work on phones too.
    The single file was approaching a thousand lines so I split it up. I also moved the page from google drive to github.
    Later, I might try making the page prettier with bootstrap.
    Made some changes to the script.
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2015
    Alkanthe likes this.
  2. Oxidis

    Oxidis Hey, You!

    Updated it just now. I added more things about location and some longer scenarios. Any response?

    Thing is, most the the NPCs and places in Starbound don't have defined names. The names in the generator can give an indication of relationship or scope though.

    And yes, it is possible to get a quest that requires you to kill someone without being allowed to kill anyone. Or to participate in a hunt without having any weapons equipped. (You could use other means of killing for that one.)

    Any town with thirty of these quests is sure to be a bleak place so I'm in the process of adding more friendlier quests.
  3. Diamond Dog

    Diamond Dog Guest

    i got this from it "The arrogant novakid named Tiy seeks an adventurer to decide on a notable CHOICE."
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 7, 2015
  4. Oxidis

    Oxidis Hey, You!

    Because of the variety of combinations, some would not show up very often.
    So I added a drop-down menu that can be used to narrow the range of the possibilities by choosing from more specific categories.

    There's also an "Other" section that allows you to specifically generate things such as names, buildings and locations -- phrases that were previously embedded within the quest descriptions.

    This update is different from the others since it required some changes to the function of the code. Note that some quest scenarios don't appear in any of the categories yet and some appear in multiple. I'll balance that out later when I get less busy or if people are interested.

    @FactoringZettaShonic There are more interesting combinations if you keep pressing generate.
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2015

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