Most recent video: Episode 2 Hey I'm NewLiar, I've been making Starbound Pixel art for a while now and have had people ask me to teach them some basics. I really like teaching people pixel art, but there are too many people who want my help right now for me to handle. So I decided to make a Starbound Pixel art Tutorial series. This is probably the best software you can get to make the pixel art with (It's also used by some of the Starbound devs). It's also free and easy to install. Alternative program for Mac users: Here's the template for the first video: P.S for the forums mods: I posted it here for people who are interested in pixel art. I thought that if I posted it in the video section, a lot of people who visit the pixel art section might miss it.
Next episode will be about Hairstyles. Will try and make one episode per weekend, at least for the next 3/4 weeks (I have final exams, so I dont have a lot of time). After my exams I'll make a couple a week. Thanks for the feedback so far!
Great video, mind telling me what software your using for this tutorial as I'm sorta stuck on MS Paint and i feel i need an upgrade would be heaps appreciated
Im using Photoshop Elements 11.0 (I got it free with a Wacom tablet, but I think you need to buy it) in this video, but you can easily use a program called which is free and has all the same things needed for pixel art.
OK! thankyou lots for the input, getting now. ill probably spend the rest of the night attempting pixel art (failing most likely) cant wait for next video. good luck
Gimp is a good free alternative for Mac, and it can do anything photoshop and can do. Here's a download link for the Mac version:
I find it sad that even though I have both and Gimp, I still end up using MS Paint most of the time. xD
Update: There won't be a episode this weekend, because of exams, but I'll try to make a episode for next weekend. Next episode will be the last episode where I explain how to use templates, after that I'll show you guys how to make your own stuff. I'm thinking of doing a how to convert a human sprite into a Novakid tutorial for Episode 4 or 5. Did everything go well with installing Gimp? How is your pixel art coming along? I'm going to be using the now reserved part of the thread to show of art that people made with help from the tutorials. I could add yours as the first one, if you'd like that?
Update: Over 1000+ views on Ep.1 guys! Thank you guys for all the support so far, I'm super excited to get back to making more videos soon. The last of my final exams is this Thursday, but I'll try to get a video out for this weekend. Here's something I made a while ago. It's my first collection of sprites I made on my own thread. It's not all of them, but I'm working on getting the second one (of the same amount of sprites as this one) filled up aswell. Why am I showing you this? Well, I'm not just showing this off. I'm giving it to you guys to use. I use this a lot while working on new sprites as a reference to making new clothes, hairstyles or just to use colors that looked good from old sprites. Feel free to copy and edit these at will. I'll be back with a new video soon.
At first you made a great tutorial. And your created charakter are awesome (my favorite is alex from clockwork orange). Unfortunately all character are in the same position. For the Game you need more or not? Do you know how to integrate his own clothing in the Game? For example a sprite generator?