Starbound Music Track

Discussion in 'Starbound FAQs, Q&A, and General Help' started by redxlaser15, Apr 24, 2018.

  1. redxlaser15

    redxlaser15 Big Damn Hero

    -Is there anywhere on youtube or such that I can find the music track? I hate when I pass through to a new biome and it suddenly changes all the time! I don't mind that too much in itself, that doesn't need to change, I simply want to hear the music uninterrupted. I'd like to also be able to pick out each individual music too, as in not all of the in-game music all compiled in one thing.
    -If someone could also find something like that with Frackin' Universe I'd like that too. (Yes, this is technically a mod but I don't want to make a second thread that would be almost exactly same.)

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