Hello ! This is my second Post in a tutorial-series i started quite a while ago. This time we're going to focus on custom tilesets and how to create them. If you dont have Tiled go to my previous tutorial : https://community.playstarbound.com...ed-getting-started-tiles.131443/#post-3229915 First we need to create our new tileset. Open Tiled an navigate to File>New>New Tileset... In the dialog select Collection of Images as type and name it whatever you want. Make Sure you have "Embed in map" unchecked because Starbound wont load maps with embedded tilesets. Click on "save as..." and name the file whatever you want Note: The name you entered as the filename is not the same as your tileset-name! Select .json as the file-extension instead of .tsx and you're good to go ! Now your Window should look something like this: To Create a new Tile, you need to click on the + in your menubar. A Dialog should pop up which prompts you to select an image for your tile, we will navigate to your Starbound root directory and select the "tiled" folder which contains all assets of the game in one spot. Inside this folder should be another folder called "packed". This is the place where all the vanilla assets are. If you want to create your own mod, it might be a good choice to create a new folder here. Note: Dont worry, you dont need to send them seperatly with your mod, since this folder will only be required for development. Inside the vanilla "packed" folder you will find the following structure: It is sorted by tiletype: all liquids go into the liquids folder. all blocks go into the materials folder. all objects (furniture etc.) go into the objects folder. and everything that does not find into these categories goes into the miscellaneous folder. Fo this tutorial we will go with the ancientbust.png wich can be found in the objects folder, which is quite large, so youre maybe want to search it. Once you selected the image you want and and clicked "open" your editor will look something like this: On the left side of your window you can see the options panel, if not, then show it because we're going to add some properties here. OBJECTS All Objects need these custom properties: imagePositionX and Y specify the offset of your texture, youre maybe want to play around a bit with this option if you've created your own textures, until it fits. But for our example, we will go with the vanilla value for this object. object is the object ID of the object you want to place, this is what the game actually looks for, when it places the thing. tilesetdirection allows you to create a left and a right flipped version of your object with different textures. the //name, //description and //shortdescription are only for code readability, but required. In our case we'll use the vanilla values for all this options Thats it ! Now you can import your tileset into a map and use your new tiles. Now we going to focus on blocks: Blocks All Blocks need these custom properties: //description, //name and //shortdescription are only for code readability, but required. material is the material ID Starbound is going to use when placing the block. With this we're going to use the asphalt block and all the vanilla values as well. Thats it ! As you see blocks are a lot simpler than object. A quick look at how it looks when you use it in your map, because that's what we're going to do in the next tutorial ! Our new tileset in the Tilesetsview: Placing our ancientbust: And ingame ! Thats all ! I hope this was helpfull, if you encounter any errors, please post them into a new thread ! I f you have some suggestions or spotted a mistake i made feel free to leave a reply ! Herrjunky
Thanks man, your tutorials are the best I found about how to use Tiled to create Starbound maps... I'm trying to make some microdungeons and, eventually, I intend to make some real dungeons and villages with that. Hope you keep them tutorials coming! haha
Anyone know how animated images work? When I click add new image and select my animated object, it loads the whole png. How do we load a single frame of the png