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RELEASED Starbound 40k: Weapons of the Imperium 1.3.3 Heavy Bolters

Adds craftable Imperial weapons from Warhammer 40k.

  1. leinglo

    leinglo Phantasmal Quasar

    Preview of the Pulse Rifle for the upcoming Tau content.
    Still not sure if I'll make it as a standalone mod or merge it into this one, though I'll be deciding soon.
  2. Godogma

    Godogma Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Awesome.... More cool weapons! :)
  3. Godogma

    Godogma Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    After using the chainsword for a while I'm forced to beg you to put in Power or Force weapons; the chainsaw sound file from the game gets really really annoying very quickly.

    I'm barely to second tier armor and I'm already searching avidly for a different weapon; Power Weapons (there are some cool ones, if you wanted to do a space wolf axe or some of the various spears that would be amazing) would be nice.

    EDIT: The Astartes combat shotgun has a cool model as well if you were interested in including those.
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2016
  4. leinglo

    leinglo Phantasmal Quasar

    If I had access to a better chainsaw sound effect, or had the ability to make one, trust me, I'd certainly use it. But for now we're kinda stuck with the obnoxious one that came with the vanilla assets. Unless...the game engine could run .wav sound files as well, not just .ogg. Hm, I'll have to look into that. If that would work I could get a replacement.

    EDIT: Okay, turns out .wav files do work, and that's something I can work with. I'll be sure to have a replacement sound effect in the next update.
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2016
  5. Godogma

    Godogma Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Awesome! Thanks, I anticipate that very fondly.
  6. borgsy2

    borgsy2 Void-Bound Voyager

    Dont you think it would be better for the bolters to fire More faster?
  7. Xary

    Xary Big Damn Hero

    Maybe make it a firing mode where you lose the explosion but get a bumped up firing rate ?

    I seem to remember space marines bolters having access to something called "steel rain" ammo or something ?
    need to break out ye olde codexes I doth hid someplace...

    maybe its some sort of shotgun shell designed to be fired out a bolter....
  8. cesarjunior233

    cesarjunior233 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    ORKISH CONTENT PLEASE , and Eldar too , please not dank eldar , they are a shitty shit of the shittyness
  9. leinglo

    leinglo Phantasmal Quasar

    leinglo updated Starbound 40k: Weapons of the Imperium with a new update entry:

    New Lasguns, sfx, overcharge, and fixes

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  10. Waddington

    Waddington Void-Bound Voyager

    First off, Great mod! Awesome weapons but i feel there missing something. I don't know if the developers of this mod are working on amour sets but I thought maybe if they are not I could help out. I'v been working on an Cadian Imperial Guard amour set. Please leave some feed back for me. I much prefer the left set as it seems to fit better on the model. The picture is small my bad. ( If you save this picture then right click and edit it you should be able to see a bit more with out blur. I usually use Photoshop or paint to look closer at small pictures.)

    Attached Files:

    leinglo likes this.
  11. leinglo

    leinglo Phantasmal Quasar

    Nice work! I'm no good at making armor so it's awesome to see someone working on some for 40k. Are you planning on making your own mod for it?
  12. Kiwiking

    Kiwiking Yeah, You!

    Will you be adding weapons from all the races eg Necrons?
  13. leinglo

    leinglo Phantasmal Quasar

    Yes. I've been busy with other things this week and so haven't been able to give modding as much attention as I'd like, but Tau will be next (and are about half-done). After that will probably be Orks or Chaos (the latter will largely be just spiky versions of the Imperial stuff). Eldar and Necrons...I'm still not sure about. Eldar because I don't know well I'd be able to sprite out their particular weapon style, Necrons because...well, they just don't strike me as having a particularly varied or interesting arsenal.
    Waddington likes this.
  14. Waddington

    Waddington Void-Bound Voyager

    Thanks! Sorry for the late reply. I have been busy and away from my computer. I was thinking of making it a stand alone mod for now, maybe one day make a mod pack with this mod and your upcoming one's. I was wondering why there were no armour sets with this mod though, I now know why its a bit of a ball ache. The small draft you saw was done in ten minuets or so... However i finally finished a final form for my armour that will work in game. ( that was the ball ache bit, took a lot of trail and error. ) I've done all the standing idle art. I'm now doing all the frame's for running, walking, swimming and ect. ( Should be easy but kinda boring. ) I'll drop a bit of my progress for you too see... why? I like to show off :p Then all that is left to do is scripting. Not looking forward to scripting but by the sounds of things should be fairly straight forward. Anyhow Your doing an amazing job with the weapons :D Cant wait to see your tau weapon mod. ( second favourite race in 40K )

    IG Armor Items.png IG Armor Items.png IG Armor.png IG Armor.png
    leinglo likes this.
  15. leinglo

    leinglo Phantasmal Quasar

    Awesome work! Truly! Only thing I would add is that the tunic collar would normally cover the neck rather than having it bare, and maybe there could be one or two variant helmets with goggles and a rebreather mask.
    But yeah, spriting clothes/armor beyond hats is indeed a big-time ball ache. It's with good reason that there really aren't that many mods that add them, and even fewer that add more than one or two sets. But, spriting them is is the hardest part. In terms of script, clothing/armor is actually far simpler than weapons are. That'll be the easy part.
    Waddington likes this.
  16. Waddington

    Waddington Void-Bound Voyager

    Thanks! Yeah i did try the tunic collar, but I'm finding it hard to make it look like anything other than a small blurred mess. With the way amour works the helm over laps the chest. So it should be fine to put in. Thanks for the feed back. Ill have to revisit it before starting the animating art work for the chest. Dont worry i do plan to make a lot of armours/variants. :) I was thinking a vox helm and a vox back pack. ( think that is what they are called. As much as i love warhammer40k i am not very knowledgeable of the lore. ) Might design a commissar set too. Oh and maybe a tech priest! Ill keep a few others i want to do secret. :) To surprise players when the mod is up and running. If scripting armour is easy than thank god xD Jesus has heard my prayers. Thanks again for the feed back, I truly appreciate it. :) Maybe when I'm bored of imperial armours ill make a few tau ones. :p
  17. leinglo

    leinglo Phantasmal Quasar

    If you want to add it, I think a Space Marine set would actually be fairly simple. The Apex Frontliner set is literally based off of Space Marine armor (the reference to "gigantic pauldrons" kinda removes all ambiguity). The only thing you'd probably have to do for it is make a helmet and backpack.
  18. leinglo

    leinglo Phantasmal Quasar

    leinglo updated Starbound 40k: Weapons of the Imperium with a new update entry:

    Heavy Bolters

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  19. AlbertoRota

    AlbertoRota Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Wow! Thank you for the mention! It's a nice detail!:nuruawe:
    In fact, i feel so pleased that i have a gift for you :nuruwink:

    I've been toying with weapon modifications last week, and the same solution can be applied to a lot of situations, looking at your road-map, i think that you will find the attached file quite interesting.

    "/spawnitem tetplasmagun 1" and enjoy... just... don't over-shot it... it can... you know... kill you:nurunega:

    (I know that I'm probably the worst pixel artist in all the web... don't look at it too much or your eyes WILL bleed)

    Attached Files:

    leinglo likes this.
  20. leinglo

    leinglo Phantasmal Quasar

    Well, well, weeeell. Now that's interesting. I'm currently working on a plasma gun as a charge gun, but it never occurred to me to make it dangerous to use. That's really cool. I kinda didn't listen to the warning when I tested it though. It went kinda like this:
    [blam] [blam] [blam] "Huh. Nothing happening. What if..." [turns off admin mode] "...I try this?" [blam] [blam] [BOOM] "AAARGH! Ah! Okay, that's what happens. Alright."

    I'm thinking though, that maybe the status effect should be burning as opposed to melting, or at least bring the duration down so that it's merely deadly as opposed to outright lethal. Or, maybe the pistol could apply the burning effect to make it a little safer to use, while the plasma gun could be far more powerful, but have the melting effect as a risk.
    92218_sm-Humor, Poster, Space Marines, Warhammer 40,000.jpg
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2016

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