Dev Blog Starbound 1.2 - Vault Update

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, Dec 15, 2016.

  1. Stan1012

    Stan1012 Seal Broken

    My question is the removal of the gardening tool station that let us make cool decorations. What happened it worked fine and I quite enjoyed the bueaty and diversity it brought?
    Firebird Zoom likes this.
  2. VaeliusNoctu

    VaeliusNoctu Pangalactic Porcupine

    never see that tool maybe a modder bring that back to live.
    Firebird Zoom likes this.
  3. Scival

    Scival Oxygen Tank

    Did you installed a mod I never saw that before and there's no information on the wiki?
    Firebird Zoom likes this.
  4. Magament

    Magament Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Woah nice now I have more things to do on the endgame stage :D
    Firebird Zoom likes this.

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